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Wednesday, Feb. 19
The Indiana Daily Student

Public health emergency extended in Scott County

In response to Southern Indiana’s unprecedented HIV outbreak, this morning Gov. Mike Pence extended the public health emergency in Scott County an ?additional 30 days.

The original executive order was set to expire on April 24, but now will remain in effect until next month.

As of April 17, the Indiana State Department of Health has confirmed 128 HIV cases and six preliminary cases in Scott County. The outbreak began earlier this year with a few dozen cases, all linked to intravenous drug use. The order aims to stop the virus’ spread through a task force of officials from the ISDH, Indiana State Police, the Indiana Department of Correction, the Indiana Family and Social Services and ?local partners.

The task force will continue to coordinate the response, which will organize testing, treatment and healthcare enrollment for those affected.

Matt Bloom

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