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Saturday, March 15
The Indiana Daily Student

crime & courts

Containers missing from water treatment plant


Bloomington Police Department Detective Division is currently investigating missing containers from a City of Bloomington 

A supervisor reviewing processes last week discovered empty containers missing from the Monroe Water Treatment Plant, according to a City of Bloomington press release.

These containers should have been declared surplus and dispensed, according to city policy.

The city is still investigating the approximately 166 food-grade chemical containers missing from the MWTP.

An MWTP employee has admitted to taking the empty containers for personal use or to sell.

Effective immediately, Plant Service Mechanic Barry Milbourn has been terminated.

Plant Superintendent Tim Gholson has resigned his position as well, according to the release.

“Tim Gholson has worked hard to successfully turn our water quality around, but as the individual in charge of plant operations while some of this activity was taking place, he has assumed responsibility and resigned his position,” Utilities Director Vic Kelson said in the release.

Kelson said the items involved were no longer of specific use to the city, but because they were owned by the city and had value, removing them without following proper procedures was unacceptable, according to the release.

“We have specific policies regarding the disposal or return of surplus property that were not followed in this instance,” Kelson said in the release. “This is an unfortunate situation that has been dealt with according to City policy.”

Both employees’ job duties will be handled by cross-trained utility employees in the short term until replacements are found.

Mary Catherine Carmichael, communications director for the city of Bloomington, said she hopes to have an update by today but has not received information about the investigation throughout the 

“I know the detectives are on the case and I hope for an update soon,” Carmichael said.

The 268-gallon plastic containers with a metal, cage-style framework were periodically delivered to the MWTP containing polymer used in the water treatment process.

The containers were included in the purchase of the chemical from supplier Brenntag AG, just as an egg carton is included with the purchase of a dozen eggs, according to the release.

The estimated value of the missing containers is between $8,300 and $12,500 on the salvage market.

Purchases of the polymer in the containers go back at least 10 years, according to MWTP records.

No decrease in water quality is anticipated, according to the release.

Results from the BPD investigation, when completed, will be turned over to the prosecutor’s office as is required by law.

The State Board of Accounts has also been notified, according to the 

“Vic and his team at Utilities are doing a great job improving our water quality and the treatment processes at the Monroe Plant,” Mayor John Hamilton said in the release. “This is one of those situations that all concerned wish had transpired differently, I’m sure.”

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