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Tuesday, Feb. 18
The Indiana Daily Student

administration student life

IU student's Snapchat story playing off racial stereotypes sparks backlash


A Snapchat story posted Wednesday by IU freshman Hannah Huber immediately sparked outrage after it circulated among other students. 

The photo featured a “Being Black in America is…” filter with a microphone at the bottom of the screen. In the photo was a pregnancy test, a pack of cigarettes, a rolled-up dollar bill, multiple condoms and what appeared to be a small drug bag. Another IU freshman tweeted a screenshot of the Snapchat condemning it. 

Thursday morning, IU’s Residence Hall Association released a statement also condemning the post that appeared to be taken inside of a residence hall. 

“This image displayed a deep disrespect for the Black Community, a disrespect that is not acceptable anywhere on IU’s campus, particularly in the residence hall,” according to RHA.

The IU Student Association responded Thursday morning on Twitter, condemning the original post and saying they would not remain silent when underrepresented students were attacked.


Huber did not respond to a request for comment.

This article will be updated.

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