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Sunday, Jan. 5
The Indiana Daily Student

sports little 500

Little 500 qualifications, who’s in and who’s out


IU's campus was filled with excitement at the break of dawn this weekend as the Little 500 Qualifications began at 8 a.m. 

The day was filled with skillful, experienced riders as well as rookies from both the men’s and women’s teams. 

Usually, the top 33 teams with the best times qualify for Little 500 race but this year, as well as last year, the women only have 32 teams registered while the men had more than 33 teams attempting to qualify. Not only do the rankings of qualifications give insight of how teams will perform in less than a month, but it also determines the starting order for the Little 500 race.

Peter Talbot

Delta Gamma finished first in the women's qualifications for the second consecutive year with a winning time of 2:51.359. The mark was 18 seconds behind its winning time last year at 2:33.308. The difference in time was due to cold and wet conditions, which affected the track. 

The weather consisted of a mix of snow, sleet and hail with an average temperature of 37 degrees. Even with this weather, the second place women qualifier showed consistency. 

Kappa Alpha Theta placed in second, 2:57.661, for the second year in a row, but with a time 20 seconds slower than the previous year. As for third place, Alpha Gamma Delta placed with a time of 2:58.694. This is the first time in 14 years Alpha Gamma Delta has placed in the top three. 

Alpha Chi Omega finished fourth with a time of 3:00.349, and Teter in fifth, just milliseconds behind with a time of 3:00.452. Both of these teams have placed in the top 10 within the past three qualifications.

As for the men, Cutters stole first place with a time of 2:34.973, just ahead of Kappa Sigma, who followed in second with a time of 2:35.052. Last year's qualifications champions, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, placed third this year with a time of 2:37.798. There was a 15 second added difference between its time this year and the team's winning time last year. 

Sigma Phi Epsilon jumped up one spot from last year's fifth place finish to take fourth this time with 2:39.377. This year's fifth place team, Pi Lambda Phi, made an impressive improvement since last year's qualifications. The team almost didn't qualify last year, coming in 31st place with a time of 2:37.979, and added two seconds to their qualification this year for a final time of 2:39.491.

In a surprise feat, Delta Sigma Phi, which was founded just three years ago, qualified for the first time with a time of 2:53.483 to place 28th.

These 33 men’s teams and 32 women’s teams will continue to train to compete in the Little 500 race that will take place on Friday, April 20, 2018, for the women and April 21, 2018, for the men. 


  1. Cutters: 2:34.973
  2. Kappa Sigma: 2:35.052
  3. Sigma Alpha Epsilon: 2:37.798
  4. Sigma Phi Epsilon: 2:39.377
  5. Pi Lambda Phi: 2:39.491
  6. Phi Gamma Delta: 2:39.638
  7. Sigma Chi: 2:40.100
  8. Black Key Bulls: 2:41.439
  9. Forest: 2:43.436
  10. Chi Alpha: 2:43.785
  11. Delta Chi: 2:43.785
  12. Phi Kappa Psi: 2:43.881
  13. Alpha Epsilon Pi: 2:44.571
  14. Gray Goat: 2:45.114
  15. Phi Delta Theta: 2:45.297
  16. Bears: 2:45.625
  17. Alpha Sigma Phi: 2:45.702
  18. Pi Kappa Alpha: 2:46.181
  19. Young Pioneers: 2:46.983
  20. 3PH: 2:47.701
  21. Beta Theta Pi: 2.48.269
  22. Lambda Chi Alpha: 2:48.897
  23. Alpha Kappa Lambda: 2:48.935
  24. Black Ice: 2:49.716
  25. Christian Student Fellowship: 2:49.839
  26. Evans Scholars: 2:51.457
  27. Acacia: 2:51.457
  28. Delta Sigma Phi: 2:53.483
  29. Delta Upsilon: 2:55.262
  30. JETBLACH: 2:56.229
  31. Beta Sigma Psi: 2:56.997
  32. Phi Sigma Kappa: 2:58.424
  33. Theta Chi: 2:58.685


  1. Delta Gamma: 2:51.359
  2. Kappa Alpha Theta: 2:57.661
  3. Alpha Gamma Delta: 2:58.694
  4. Alpha Chi Omega: 3:00.349
  5. Teter: 3:00.452
  6. Phi Mu: 3:03.452
  7. Theta Phi Alpha: 3:03.517
  8. Alpha Omicron Pi: 3:03.914
  9. Alpha Xi Delta: 3:08.331
  10. Ski: 3:09.918
  11. Ride On: 3:10.560
  12. Independent Council: 3:11.581
  13. Alpha Sigma Alpha: 3:12.923
  14. Delta Phi Epsilon: 3:14.754
  15. Delta Sigma Pi: 3:15.856
  16. Chi Omega: 3:16.509
  17. Sigma Kappa: 3:17.163
  18. Phi Gamma Nu: 3:17.192
  19. Cru: 3:17.338
  20. Christian Student Fellowship: 3:17.870
  21. Centripedal Force: 3:18.479
  22. Alpha Delta Pi: 3:19.499
  23. Melanzana: 3:21.515
  24. Kappa Delta: 3:22.572
  25. Gamma Phi Beta: 3:26.685
  26. Delta Zeta: 3:26.841
  27. Kappa Kappa Gamma: 3:30.460
  28. Alpha Phi: 3:31.115
  29. IU Nursing: 3:34.206
  30. Camp Kesem: 3:35.195
  31. Sigma Delta Tau: 3:47.174
  32. Alpha Epsilon Phi: 4:10.178

Julia Briano

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