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Thursday, March 6
The Indiana Daily Student

Athletes work hard, deserve respect

As a Hoosier sports fan, Pete Newmann's article about the mediocrity of IU athletics ("Recent years of mediocrity suggest bleak outlook for IU athletics," IDS, Aug. 23) is infuriating. First of all, there is nothing mediocre about the time and effort that the athletes put into their sport. While most people think that athletes are pampered and breeze through college without taking a test or going to class, they are often very hard-working, very stressed men and women. \nExpectations placed on their shoulders are not light. Practices are grueling, coaches are sometimes tyrannical, and the amount of time spent riding in a cramped van across country, or in a Holiday Inn in some foreign city is ridiculous. They barely have time for a life outside of their sport. They work extremely hard and should never be considered mediocre. \nI realize that several teams have not had outstanding records the past few seasons. A winning record would be wonderful, but that's not why you watch your favorite team play. You watch because sporting events are exciting and invigorating, because you want to support your school, because you wish you had an inkling of the ability that the players do, and because you want to support the athletes out there, who are friends, relatives and fellow classmates. You watch because you love the game. \nIt is simply absurd for Mr. Newmann to expect fans to lower their expectations. If you are not hopeful, then you have no hope of achieving anything. I will watch the Hoosiers with high expectations, and they will not let me down. \nAs the sister of a former athlete, I understand the dedication it takes to be a college athlete. I respect all athletes, whether they win or lose. They could never let us down, because they try their best. Will they "accept and conquer the challenges?" We shall see … that they will.

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