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Tuesday, Jan. 7
The Indiana Daily Student

Bush a true leader with his Social Security privatization plan

I\'m amazed that the IDS editorial staff declared on August 24 ("Candidates ignore youth issues") that both presidential candidates have ignored issues important to young voters, while at the same time mentioning that George W. Bush is in favor of partially privatizing Social Security. Reform of the failing Social Security system is the most important long-term issue facing young people today!\nBush proposes allowing young people to begin taking a portion of their payroll taxes meant for Social Security and investing them in private accounts. These accounts would have to be invested in reasonably safe funds and could not be touched until retirement. Historically, the private market has always benefited long-term investors. It is time to release young people, especially lower income people who do not normally have extra income to invest into the markets, from the shackles of a failing Social Security system and build a strong retirement they can count on.\nRightfully so, most young people today believe more in the existence of UFOs than the day they will receive a Social Security check. George W. Bush realizes this and is proposing a strong vision to reform the system for young workers. In the meantime, Al Gore panders to seniors (a much more dependable voting block) by promising to maintain the status quo. \nWe need leadership that is willing to tackle tough issues like Social Security reform, even if it is not politically expedient. That is why I will be casting my vote for George W. Bush in November.

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