I predict if George W. Bush loses the election, many conservatives all over America will cast the blame on a biased liberal press and other media. If Bush loses, it won't be because of a lack of campaign funding or a so-called liberal media. For most Americans, his positions on the important issues and his readiness to be president will decide Bush's fate on Election Day.\nWhy do most of the people who go into journalism tend to be liberal in their views? Why don't more conservatives get journalism degrees and write for newspapers? If the bumper sticker, "The media are only as liberal as the conservative businesses that own them" is true, then journalism graduates with conservative views should have no problem getting hired. Conservatives, so sure only their views are "right," seem to go ballistic when they read an opposing opinion.\nThe survival of the Clinton administration cannot be attributed to the nation's media. President Clinton survived because a majority of the people did not want him removed from office. Conservative Republicans helped create a backlash against removing Clinton by bashing him unmercifully from day one of his presidency. The single biggest problem facing the conservative movement today is the movement's being out of touch with most people's needs.\nIt's time for conservative Republicans to stop whining and blaming the media for their own shortcomings. Since they believe so much in competition, why don't they use their enormous wealth to start their own newspapers all over America?\nPaul L. Whiteley Sr.\nLouisville, Ky
Conservatives: Don't blame the media
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