One last chance.\nWhen allegations of misconduct regarding coach Bob Knight arose in May, the administration, the media and the public scrutinized "the General's" history and behavior. \nAfter a long and thorough investigation by the administration, IU President Myles Brand suspended Knight for three games, fined him $30,000 and placed him under a "zero tolerance" policy regarding his future conduct. \nKnight was given one last chance -- a chance he practically begged for.\nUnfortunately for the basketball team, alumni, faculty, administration and student body of IU, Knight chose to disregard the promise he made that he would control his temper.\nControversy has arisen on campus and indeed worldwide as to whether the incident in Assembly Hall involving 19-year-old freshman Kent Harvey merited Knight's termination. While many could feel Knight's behavior in this situation was understandable, the fact remains that Knight was well aware of the sanctions placed upon him before that fateful day in Assembly Hall.\nKnight was also well aware of the administration's expectation that he resume communication with Athletics Director Clarence Doninger. He failed to comply. Knowing alumni looked forward to his appearance at events, Knight opted to put his own agenda first. Knight knew he was expected to control his language and the volume of his voice when speaking to senior IU officials. Brand said he chose to ignore this guideline. And Knight knew he was expected to comply with requests presented to him by his superiors.\nHe chose to go fishing instead.\nVictories on the court, championship banners, player graduation statistics and alumni dollars aside, there is no excuse for Knight breaking his promise to this University. There is no excuse for his notorious bad temper. And there is no excuse for nearly three decades of disregard for the integrity of Indiana University.\nBrand had to make the "toughest" decision of his life. But he was backed into that corner by a insubordinate Knight.\nIt is unfortunate that such a talented and determined coach chose to allow his temper and stubbornness to escalate to the point of termination after 29 brilliant years at IU.\nBut it was Knight's choice, and his chance.\nAnd he chose to throw it all away.\nStaff vote: 12-11-0
Knight throws away last chance
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