As an IU alumna, I am appalled by the smug, laughing faces of protesting students plastered across Internet news sites along with their representative remarks in the newspapers. Burning effigies, tearing down street signs and lights, marching on the President's house and other juvenile behavior does nothing but damage to the University's reputation and even more, to the image of thoughtful, mature students one would hope are attending the University.\nWhether Bob Knight deserved his firing becomes a moot point next to the effects of the University's ' and its students' ' reactions to his 30 years of spoiled-brat behavior and the resultant firing. Even sadder are his defenders' pathetic attempts to excuse or even justify that behavior. The public doesn't buy it, and neither do alumni. \nI used to be proud of saying I attended IU; I am now embarrassed to claim association.
Public, alumni don't buy Knight's excuses
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