I'm writing in response to the letter "Pro-life mailing offends students" (Oct. 17). What is the difference between that mailing and other mailings, television commercials or all the information written on the sidewalks of the IU campus? Nobody is required to look at them or read them. User-friendly words such as "pro-choice" and "a woman's right to choose" are easy to say and vote for until a picture like this is presented and shows what really happens to the child during an abortion. I think the person who wrote that the pro-life mailing wasted his time took offense to it simply because he felt guilty after seeing the picture of that helpless child. The only reason that would trouble someone is if they had remorse for putting a child through that. I commend whoever sent those out. Maybe now people will understand what is really happening.\nKatie Jensen\nFreshman
Picture showed truth of helpless child
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