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Sunday, Nov. 17
The Indiana Daily Student

Around The Dorms

Residence Halls Association seeks feedback on bus plan\nRHA has been asked to provide feedback to campus officials about possible bus plans for next year. Students with comments or suggestions are invited to contact their house governor, the president of their residence hall or e-mail \nThere are three options being considered by the RHA president's council and its constituents. Plan A offers universal access to both IU Campus Bus and Bloomington Transit, with no new routes, serves or times and will add $120 per year per student. Plan B offers universal access to Campus and Bloomington buses, offering new services, hours of operation and additional perks, and could add about $120 per year per student. Plan C is simply keeping the current plan as it is this year, which provides Bloomington service but no Campus Bus. \nRHA president Jason Dudich, a senior, said Plan C is preferred by a majority so far. RHA has not yet made their recommendation, and a decision and a \nMariachi performance in Willkie Quad\nplan must be implemented by April.\nCandida Frances Jaquez teaches Mariachi performance and culture in the Department of Folklore and Enthnomusicology. For the final exam, the class will perform traditional\nRPS recruiting resident assistants \nMariachi music and dance at 7 p.m. Dec. 8 at the Willkie Auditorium.\nResidential Programs and Services is accepting applications for resident assistants or CUE (Community Educators). Interested students should attend one of the following meetings.\nDec. 1, 11 a.m. IMU -- State Room East\nDec. 4, 8 p.m. Briscoe Quad -- Activity Room\nDec. 5, 8:30 p.m. Africa Room of African American Cultural Center

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