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Sunday, Nov. 17
The Indiana Daily Student

Office of International Services eased transition to campus

In the afternoon of Dec. 17, I was at Memorial Stadium to participate in the graduation ceremony. Many memories of my last several years at IU passed through my head, but there was one question I continuously asked of myself during the ceremony: What brought me here? Automatically, I started to find the answer for the question. Finally, I realized the many blessings I have received from many warm-hearted persons I have known since I enrolled at IU in fall of 1997. Yes, I am a blessed man that I can finish this program without any critical difficulties. \nI'd like to express my special thanks for the Office of International Services. Their wonderful help and assistance has been one of the critical reasons for my being at the ceremony. After I visited OIS when I arrived in Bloomington, dropping by OIS became a habit. As an international student, I had lots of agendas to discuss with them. Surprisingly, when I brought a serious problem, they found an answer with ease. \nThey were ready to do something each time I visited. They addressed my concerns, listened, clarified and offered reliable information. I had several serious personal concerns during the last several years. I will never forget when I visited OIS with financial problems with my bursar account. They eagerly became my intimate friend. They counseled me and offered several strategies how I could take care of the difficult situation.\nIn 1999, when one of my friends was killed by a white supremacist in front of the Korean United Methodist Church, the OIS's devoted commitment to take care of the situation really touched my heart. When I visit OIS, I can see the big picture of the deceased, my friend. \nWhen thinking back on my IU days, I was not an isolated person in a foreign society because so many devoted friends, including OIS folks, were around me. \nAfter graduation, I might not visit OIS frequently, but I will always remember their hospitality and friendship. It will never fade away from my memory. I couldn't remember all the names of OIS persons that have helped me during last several years' stay at IU. But everybody in OIS are genuine friends of all students, including international students. \nThanks for everybody in OIS. Your service and friendship really makes a difference. Your being a part of IU really makes a comfortable, at home feeling to all international students. I wish you a wonderful year in 2001.

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