Bringing an animated series based on Kevin Smith's movie "Clerks" to ABC early last year was a mistake. Now putting the same series on a DVD and selling it to true fans is smart, especially because no one was able to see all the episodes on TV.\nOnly two episodes of "Clerks: The Animated Series" received airplay on the small screen, but with this two-disc set, all six episodes can be seen. The two shown on ABC are the best episodes, but the others are decent.\nJust because "Clerks" was a big hit doesn't necessarily mean everything based on it will be, as Kevin Smith found out after just two weeks. Smith completely understands why the show never lasted, and he never thought that it would either, he says during the commentary of each episode. The cartoon failed because it was really nothing like the movie, and people expected it to be.\nThe commentary on the discs is in fact better than the actual episodes. Smith and his crew dissect the show in a hilarious way, telling funny stories about behind the scenes and making fun of the show more. Because Smith recorded the commentary after the show was canceled, Smith talks about how poor the show really was and blames it on ABC. He lets the audience know there are plans for "Clerks: The Animated Movie," and the film will be a lot better because ABC will have nothing to do with it.\nThere are some extras on the DVD about the animation and what goes on behind the scenes. This is especially great for people interested in these fields.\nThis is a great setup on a DVD, and if any really good cartoons like "The Simpsons" or "The Family Guy" come up with half as good a disc, it will sell like crazy. For any fan of the short-lived series this is a must-have, but "Clerks" fan be cautious. Just make sure to watch the last episode. It is just like the movie and just as "effin" hilarious.
DVD Review
Clerks Animated
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