Following a year of concerts, benefits and "late nights" at the Indiana Memorial Union, Union Board is winding down for the summer. The group, IU's largest student programming board, will take a decidedly more laid-back approach to summer programming.\nThe group will continue to sponsor periodic film screenings in the IMU, said Frank Klensch, last year's assistant director for "Live From Bloomington" and a member of this summer's programming board. UB will sponsor a sneak preview of an upcoming comedy, "Sidewalks in New York," May 24 in Whittenberger Auditorium. The free screening begins at 7 pm. \nTom Wailand, an academic-year Union Board director assisting on the summer board, is in charge of the annual Dunn Meadow Concert Series. The Thursday evening concerts will probably feature predominantly local acts, Wailand said. Klensch added that acts particularly featured in last year's "Live From Bloomington" benefits are under primary consideration to perform.\nDirector Andy Proctor, a senior, also indicated plans for a "Destinations" trip are in the works, though no definite dates have been set. \n"We're pretty relaxed right now," Klensch noted. "We're just trying to keep things moving, and toward the end of the summer we'll get together and start brainstorming ideas for next year's activities." \nKlensch said he predicts plans will begin to take shape for next semester's activities beginning in late July. No committees are meeting regularly because of the summer recess. But students interested in next year's activities are encouraged to voice opinions and ideas for summer programming. Additionally, call-out meetings for the various committees and duties will be conducted in late August and early September.\n"If you want to get involved, there's always the opportunity to do that on the programming level," Proctor said. Though Union Board is conducting summer board meetings with voting members only, interested individuals can become involved in summer planning by dropping by the Union Board office in the Student Activities Tower.
Union Board slows pace during summer
Semester break offers group time to plan
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