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Thursday, March 6
The Indiana Daily Student

Chancellor entertains 'Mystics' symposium

At Bloomington Chancellor Sharon Brehm's special symposium, "The Chancellor and the Mystics," Tuesday afternoon, attendees' dress ranged from suits and ties to tie-dyes, representing the diverse nature of Brehm's supporters.\nThe symposium, an event in the making when Brehm was still at Ohio University, drew an estimated 300 people. Two medievalists and two early modern historians examined women in history who claimed special access to divine favor.\nThe witty commentary on what is an unknown subject to most, held the audience's attention.\n"I wanted to have two things: education and free food," Brehm said, addressing the audience as she explained how the symposium came together.\n"But the free food comes tomorrow afternoon."\nThe panel Brehm composed for the symposium was made up of Associate Professor of Religious Studies David Brakke, Acting Director of Medieval Studies Dyan Elliott, Professor of English Karma Lochrie, Assistant Professor of History Jonathan Sheehan and Adjunct Professor of Women's Studies Mary Jo Weaver. Brakke moderated the panel. All had background in the realm of mysticism and female spirituality throughout the ages.\nOne of the more colorful commentaries came from Elliott. In her soliloquy, she debated the role of the female mystic and her relation to Christ.\n"Was Christ a vaginal portal?" she asked.\nThe question drew laughter from the crowd, but was followed by an in-depth analysis of mysticism and how female mystics made love with the idea of Christ and his body.\n"Will Chancellor Brehm attempt to reform the University through mysticism?" questioned Elliott. "I hope not"

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