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Thursday, March 13
The Indiana Daily Student

Flu vaccine a safe alternative to getting sick

Flu vaccine clinics have finally arrived on campus. The IU Health Center has been waiting for our contracted shipment of flu vaccine since late October. Apparently so have many others on campus as we have fielded calls and requests for the flu vaccine. \nFlu vaccine is suggested for the following groups:\n 1. Persons with chronic disease such as asthma, bronchitis, diabetes, heart disease, diseases or medication that affects the immune system, anemia or a blood disorder, pregnant women in their second and third trimesters.\n2. Persons whose school, job or lifestyle places them in close contact with others. This would include students living in residence halls, greek houses and others in similar settings.\nFlu vaccine is also suggested to anyone who simply wants to reduce their risk of getting the flu. Most people know that the flu (influenza) is not the same as the common cold. The flu causes high fever, headache, body pain and extra fatigue and several days of limited activity, while the common cold makes a person feel lousy with symptoms of runny nose, cough and sore throat but most people struggle through their usual schedule. Students and others who don\'t want to risk missing class and study time should consider getting the vaccine.\nThe biggest fear that we hear at the IU Health Center is that students are afraid that they will get the flu from the vaccine. This is impossible since the vaccine is inactive and not made from a live virus. The most common event after a flu shot is soreness at the site of the injection. This local reaction occurs in less than 30 percent of persons immunized and might last one or two days. It can be controlled by Acetaminophen.\nPersons allergic to eggs or latex should check with their health care provider regarding their particular risk for allergic reaction. \nFlu shots are available by appointment at the IU Health Center by calling 855-7688. Flu shots are available without an appointment from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Wednesday at Read Center and Thursday at Foster-Gresham Food Court.\nThe cost to students who have paid the Health Fee is $8 and will be put on their bursar bill. IU faculty and staff can also take advantage of flu shots on campus. An IU employee flu vaccine clinic is scheduled to begin Dec. 3. IU Employees may call now to schedule an appointment. Flu Immunization is covered through IU Health Insurance plans, so covered employees should bring their insurance card.\nThe flu is no joke. Protect yourself.

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