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Sunday, Jan. 5
The Indiana Daily Student


U.S. to loan Afghanistan $50 million

Afghan leader Karzai makes first visit to U.S. since 1963

WASHINGTON -- The United States will play a leading role in the reconstruction of Afghanistan, including helping the nation build its own military, President Bush said Monday as he stood with Afghan leader Hamid Karzai. \nBush also announced $50 million in U.S. loan aid to help rebuild the war-battered nation. "The United States will continue to be a friend to the Afghan people," Bush said. \nIn a joint Rose Garden appearance, Karzai thanked the United States for its help in driving the Taliban from power and wiping out Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda terror forces in his country. \n"We will not allow terrorism to return," he said, speaking in English. \n"This joint struggle against terrorism should go to the absolute end of it…We should bring them out of their caves, out of their hide-outs," Karzai said. \nAs to bin Laden's whereabouts, Karzai said, "We are looking for him. He is a fugitive. If we find him, we'll catch him." \nKarzai had expressed interest in having U.S. forces remain in his country as part of a multinational peacekeeping force. \nBush ruled out such a direct role, but said the United States will support the international security force and stands ready to help if its "troops get in trouble." \nBut more significantly, Bush said, "We're going to help Afghanistan develop her military. That is the most important part of this visit." \nHe said that Gen. Tommy Franks, head of U.S. forces in the region, "fully understands this and is fully committed to this idea." \nThe United States will also support programs to train Afghan police officers, Bush said. \n"I reaffirm to you today that the United States will continue to be a friend to the Afghan people in all the challenges that lie ahead," Bush said. \n"Afghanistan is a good partner. It will stay a good partner," Karzai responded. \nEarlier, White House spokesman Ari Fleischer said he did not envision a U.S. role in the peacekeeping force. "The president's philosophy is that the United States should not be overly deployed in peacekeeping around the world," he said. \nBush said the United States would help the nation develop its own military as quickly as possible in the interest of future Afghan stability. It's "better yet than peacekeepers," Bush said. \nEarlier, at a ceremony outside Afghanistan's embassy - undergoing renovation after being closed for years - Karzai thanked Washington for its help and called it a thrilling moment as the nation's black-red-and-green flag was raised once again. \n"Let's hope that this flag will be there forever, and that the partnership between the American and Afghan people will be forever," the prime minister said. \nIn his Rose Garden remarks, Karzai said Afghanistan needs U.S. support to help with security and rebuilding, but his country "will stand eventually on its own feet." \nKarzai will be a guest of honor when Bush delivers his State of the Union address Tuesday night. \nAppearing on NBC's "Today" show, Karzai appealed for a broad mandate for the peacekeeping mission. "And if the United States can be there as part of that multinational force, it's welcome," he said. \nKarzai arrived in the United States Sunday afternoon, the first Afghan leader to visit Washington in 39 years. \nBefore leaving for the United States, Karzai told Afghan television that he would use the trip to push for expansion of the multinational peacekeeping force into the rest of Afghanistan. \nAfghan officials believe troops are needed in the countryside to deal with regional warlords and armed gangs. They also have indicated they want American troops to participate. \nOn Sunday, the Afghan prime minister stood before thousands of Afghan-Americans, alternating between his country's two main languages, Pashtu and Dari, rarely displaying his mastery of English. \nDuring his 75-minute appearance, including 30 minutes of answering questions, Karzai did not mention the U.S. role in making possible his improbable rise to power five weeks ago, ending more than five years of Taliban rule. \nThe scene Sunday night was a basketball gymnasium at Georgetown University. Above him as he spoke were an American flag and a Christian cross, symbolic of Georgetown's Roman Catholic affiliation. \nHis audience frequently interrupted Karzai's words with applause and laughter. "From difficult times, we will live in positive times, productive times," Karzai said. \nNear the end of his appearance, Karzai said in response to a question that he could favor the punishment, prescribed under Islamic law, of cutting the hands off thieves. \nHe acknowledged that he is not an expert on the issue and that the law is subject to differing interpretations. He added he would favor such punishment only when Afghanistan ceases to be a poverty-stricken country.

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