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Thursday, Jan. 23
The Indiana Daily Student

Graduation advice from a lowly junior

As a mere junior, let me take a moment to express my awe and amazement of you, the graduating senior class of 2001. I humbly congratulate you on all the hard work, late nights, sacrifices and philanthropic deeds you soon-to-be alumni have experienced while at IU. \n(Well anyway, congrats on the hard work procrastinating, late nights partying, sacrifices to the party gods and philanthropic deeds in a greek sort of way. But I'm trying to make you guys look good for the parents, OK?)\nPerhaps right now you're wondering what gems of advice and wisdom a lowly junior could impart on you seniors on this, one of the best days of your college career. Although I don't have as much world experience as you wise old owls, I'll do my best to remind you of some of the life lessons many of you have shared with me in my three years in good ol' B-town. \nBut a few things to remember: The "Real World" can be a far cry from college life, as the rest of the column will show. Be cautious when applying IU wisdom to real world experience. \nClip out this column and take it with you wherever you go: Think of it as an IU education in 700 words or less. Hopefully, these life lessons will ease your transition into the real world.\nCollege Wisdom: Procrastination is underrated\nSome of the best papers (and columns) I've ever written have been produced in the wee hours of the morning. And during finals week, we're talkin' WEE. \nPutting things off can often pay off, especially when you work well under pressure. Looming deadlines can give you the extra boost you need to turn in a stellar paper. Waiting until the very, very last second can raise your adrenaline and your expectations for yourself. \nReal World Recommendation: Out here, "D" doesn't equal "diploma"\nSo you have one of those "job" things. Great for you! Keep it. \nNow you don't have the "I have a full-time job, I'm a full-time student, and I need a social life because I'm in college" line to fall back on. Your job does all kinds of good things for you, like give you money for rent and food and something to do all day. Just like in college, you'll still have deadlines. Emphasis on the "dead." Hastily written e-mails about sick dogs and mysterious illnesses won't go over well out in Corporate America, so be sure to get your work done.\nCollege Wisdom: Laundry has varying degrees of "clean" and "dirty"\nWho said you can't mix colors and whites? Your MOM? What are you, in high school? Are you going to let your mom tell you what to do? Huh? Come on. Sure you can mix your clothes! Who's gonna care, the Bleach Police? Please.\nSmell it. Get a buddy and do the "Just how wrinkled is 'wrinkled?'" test. Eye it under both natural and artificial light. Good. Now put it on and roll to class.\nReal World Recommendation: Listen to your mom on this one\nYeah, don't mix colors and whites. And if you even have a wrinkle/smell/stain question, wear something else. \nCollege Wisdom: Parking tickets are a rite of passage\nLaugh dangerously at the scrawny yellow nuisance, toss it in your back seat and drive into the sunset like the youthful rebel you are.\nReal World Recommendation: Don't get 'The Man' angry\nHere's a thought: If you don't want a ticket, park legally.\nCollege Wisdom: Credit cards are vile, evil things.\nReal World Recommendation: Credit cards are vile, evil things.\nWell kids, I have had a blast writing for you this semester. I have tons more wisdom than that, but I thought you needed a portable dose of advice from yours truly. To sum it all up, do your work, listen to your mom (at least on cleanliness issues) avoid the 5-0 and don't get into too much financial trouble.\nGood luck, have fun and I'll see you next year in the (gulp) real world.

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