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Tuesday, Jan. 7
The Indiana Daily Student

A meeting of thought and expression

I magine yourself sitting in a tiny apartment in the artsy part of Brooklyn, sun streaming in the window, cars passing by, splashing dirty water onto day-old snow. You are forced to contemplate getting a real job because you were just dissed by your label for not coming up with a "hit single." What kind of music would you write?\nYou would probably write something similar to Nada Surf's latest release, Let Go. This album is what happens when musicians are left to their own devices after a rumble with the music industry. This afterglow from their music industry battles helped Matthew Caws, Daniel Lorca and Ira Elliot create a perfect equilibrium on the album. Just when the rock is about to get hard, Nada Surf balances it out with a deliciously depressing tune. The lyrics are wonderfully abstract and the instrumentals are equally expressive. The distant guitar sounds in "Paper Boats" send the listener downstream into some higher musical plane. The months of anticipating the U.S. release of this album were well worth the wait. Nada Surf has proven that it can rock no matter the circumstances.

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