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Thursday, March 6
The Indiana Daily Student

9/11 Scholarships awarded to three undergraduates in memory of IU students' fathers lost in WTC attack

On the second anniversary of a tragic day, while much of the nation was focused on loss of life, there was a glimpse of hope in the University Club room at the Indiana Memorial Union.\nThere, the Indiana University Student Foundation awarded three undergraduates 9/11 scholarships created in memory of the fathers of IU juniors Rachel Jacobson and Jessica Moskal and graduate Joshua Goldflam. \nThe room, filled with inviting refreshments and IUSF members, was marked with a somber atmosphere as attendants reflected on the nature of the scholarships. Jacobson, Moskal and Goldflam, who all lost their fathers in the World Trade Center, worked with IUSF to create the scholarships.\nJacobson was the only one of the three who attended the ceremony.\nAfter IUSF President Vincent Defazio gave a welcoming address, Dean of Students Richard McKaig reflected on the events of Sept. 11.\n"Today was a beautiful, sunny day on campus ... a day so different from 3:00 on Sept. 11, 2001," McKaig said. "I recall the shock, the concern, the uncertainty and sorrow as the events tore at the fabric of the campus and the nation. Then I recalled what happened next ... people stepped up to make a difference."\nIn this light, the 9/11 Scholarship Fund was born. The scholarships, made possible by proceeds from Little 500, are intended to honor the everyday heroes -- the fathers who worked as Little League coaches, attended churches and synagogues and performed the everyday tasks of fatherhood. Students are chosen based on their own heroic qualities in the classroom, on campus and throughout the community.\nSophomore Sarah Irani was awarded the first scholarship for her future in business, her current work in the classroom and her commitment to extracurricular activities. Irani has worked with the Debate Team, the Eigenmann Judicial Board and several other student groups and volunteer programs. \nThe second scholarship required applicants to write an essay on the importance of family, with special consideration to siblings. Senior Brook Mitchell received the award. \n"It's a great honor," said Mitchell. "This money will help me get through my senior year, but it's great because it's in memory of the fathers who were lost."\nMitchell is a student supervisor for RPS, a member of the Dean's advisory council at the School of Education and is listed on the National Dean's List. \nThe final scholarship was awarded based on campus and community service. Junior Virginia Vasquez received this scholarship for her work in coordinating service events for such groups as the Honors College, the Monroe County Humane Society and the Community Kitchen. She has also worked as a reporter and intern, performed with the Singing Hoosiers and is a part of the National Dean's List.\nAfter the scholarships were handed out by IUSF Director Jonathan Purvis and IU-Bloomington Chancellor Sharon Brehm, Indiana University Foundation President Curtis Simic took the podium to make a few closing remarks.\nSimic said, despite recent tragedies, he is hopeful for the future because he recognizes some people are trying to do something positive.\n"Each of us can show consideration, show kindness," he said. "I urge each of us to seize those opportunities. Seek them out and do something positive."\nScholarship winner Virginia Vasquez said she was encouraged by Simic's words.\n"When you hear we can make a difference in the future, you think, 'Yes, I could' rather than focusing on what you have already done," she said.\nVasquez's parents, Alex and Barb Vasquez, who were also in attendance, were equally encouraged by the ceremony. \n"It's such a nice way to commemorate the lives of these men," Barb Vasquez said. "(The scholarships are) exciting, but the day seems so unfair, and you can't help but think about the kids who lost their family members. The best thing we can do as humans is turn tragedy into something positive."\n-- Contact staff writer Jackie Walker at

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