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Thursday, Dec. 19
The Indiana Daily Student


Rumsfeld tells Congress $87 billion is 'affordable'

House Republican whip says tough questions will be asked

WASHINGTON -- Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld told Congress Wednesday that President Bush's $87 billion request for Iraq and Afghanistan was an affordable and needed investment in international security.\nBut a top Democrat questioned whether the American people have ever blessed the U.S.-led Iraqi reconstruction effort now under way.\n"Is $87 billion a great deal of money?" Rumsfeld said before the Senate Appropriations Committee. "Yes. But can our country afford it? The answer is also yes. Because it is necessary for the security of our nation and the stability of the world."\nRumsfeld cited progress in reopening Iraqi schools and hospitals and training a new Iraqi army.\nRumsfeld and Gen. Richard Myers, the Joint Chiefs chairman, and Gen. John Abizaid, the head of U.S. Central Command, were appearing before the committee as the Bush administration continued its intensive push for approval of the $87 billion request.\nAt the same time, the U.S. civil administrator in Iraq, L. Paul Bremer, was making his third Capitol Hill appearance in three days, appearing before the Foreign Relations Committee. He was also going before the House Appropriations Committee Wednesday afternoon and meeting with two other panels today.\nVice President Dick Cheney also met in a closed-door session with House Republican members. Lawmakers, said Republican Whip Roy Blunt of Missouri, gave Cheney a warm reception but also gave "notice to the vice president that we intend in the appropriations process to ask some tough questions."\nRep. Chris Cox, R-Calif., head of the Republican Policy Committee, said Cheney made clear that no U.S. money will be used to repay Saddam Hussein's debts to other countries.\nBremer and Rumsfeld's appearances at hearings come at a time when partisan fighting has increased over Iraq.\nIn a bristling exchange, Sen. Robert Byrd, D-W.Va., challenged Rumsfeld on the $20.3 billion part of Bush's plan that would go toward rebuilding Iraq and establishing a democratic government.\n"Secretary Rumsfeld, where is the mandate from the American people to carry out the reconstruction of Iraq?" Byrd said. "When did the American people give their assent?"\nRumsfeld cited the resolution Congress approved allowing force against Iraq and defended rebuilding as being in U.S. interests.\n"Once having gone in, the last thing we need to do is turn over that country to another dictator like Saddam Hussein," he said.\nUnderlining the partisan tensions over Iraq, when Byrd continued asking questions, committee chairman Ted Stevens, R-Ala., cut him off, saying Byrd had already exceeded his allotted time by seven minutes.\n"Seven minutes," Byrd said. "Think of that, on an $87 billion request."\nBremer was appearing before a panel whose leaders had been urging the administration since before the war to lay out its strategy for rebuilding Iraq. Both Chairman Richard Lugar, R-Ind., and Sen. Joseph Biden, D-Del., have criticized the administration for failing to acknowledge the long-term costs and commitments involved.\nThe Foreign Relations hearing specifically addressed what a five-year plan for Iraq would entail. Lugar said he has advocated a five-year plan "not because I believe the United States must stay in Iraq for exactly that length of time, but because such a plan would demonstrate commitment, promote realistic budgeting, and help prevent policy drift."\nHe said a plan is needed to build confidence among Iraqis.\n"Many Iraqis have had a difficult time understanding how the most powerful nation in the world could defeat their armed forces in three weeks and still have trouble getting the lights turned on," Lugar said.\nBiden said Bush's foreign policy "so poisoned the well" before the war by failing to build a broad international coalition, that next month's international donors conference is unlikely to generate more than $2 billion or $3 billion in support.\n"It's a terrible indictment, in my view, of our foreign policy and a harsh example of the price of unilateralism," he said.\nThe contentious mood in Congress is a striking change from last year. Bush was soaring in opinion polls then, and, with midterm elections approaching, Democrats were wary about being seen as undermining him on national security issues so soon after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks.\nOpinion polls now show rising doubts about Bush's Iraq policies. Lawmakers do not face re-election this year. And criticizing the aftermath of a war isn't as risky as criticizing the war itself.\nWith the $87 billion request coming on top of a $79 billion package approved in April, Democrats argue that Bush woefully underestimated the costs of the war, the difficulty of rebuilding Iraq and the amount of international help available.\nBut many Democrats acknowledge that the $87 billion request likely will be approved. They say they can't deny the money that the Pentagon says is needed for U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.\nSenate Majority Leader Tom Daschle said Tuesday he doubts most senators support the $20.3 billion for Iraqi reconstruction. But he said it is not clear whether that money may be considered separately. Republicans, who control both Houses, adamantly oppose splitting the bill.

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