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Wednesday, Jan. 8
The Indiana Daily Student


Running mates clash

Cheney, Edwards square off over Iraq in only vice presidential debate

CLEVELAND -- Sen. John Edwards accused the Bush administration Tuesday night of bungling the War in Iraq and presiding over a historic loss of jobs. "Your facts are just wrong," Vice President Dick Cheney shot back in a crackling campaign debate.\nIn a clash at close quarters, Edwards accused Cheney of "not being straight" with the American people about the war. He said U.S. casualties are rising monthly and the United States is bearing 90 percent of the cost and suffering 90 percent of the dead and wounded.\nCheney promptly challenged those figures, saying the Iraqi security forces had taken nearly half of the casualties.\n"For you to demean their sacrifice is beyond the pale," he said to Edwards, seated a few feet away.\n"Oh, I'm not," Edwards protested before the vice president cut him off.\nThe debate format encouraged give-and-take, and neither the vice president nor Sen. John Kerry's running mate shrunk from the task.\n"Frankly, senator, you have a record that's not very distinguished," Cheney said to the North Carolina lawmaker after accusing him of a pattern of absences in the Senate during his one term.\nEdwards summed up his points like the former trial lawyer he is.

\nIn a jab at the Bush-Cheney campaign's claim on experience, he said, "Mr. Vice President, I don't think the country can take four more years of this type of experience."\nHe also said that as a member of Congress more than a decade ago, Cheney voted against Head Start and banning plastic guns that can escape detection in metal detectors.\nEdwards was on the attack from the opening moments of the debate.\nHe said that in addition to mismanaging the War in Iraq, the administration had Osama bin Laden cornered in the mountains of Afghanistan at one point, but turned over the hunt for the mastermind behind the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks to Afghan warlords.\n"The senator has got his facts wrong," said Cheney. "We've never let up on Osama bin Laden from Day ONe. We've actively and aggressively pursued him."\nIn rebuttal to Edwards' charges on the war, Cheney repeatedly criticized the Democratic presidential nominee, Sen. John Kerry, for shifting positions on the conflict.\nReferring to Kerry's debate with President George W. Bush last week, Cheney said the four-term Massachusetts senator had declared he would submit American military commitments overseas to a global test.\nHe said that was part of a record that led Kerry to oppose the first Persian Gulf War in 1991 and "always being on the wrong side" of defense issues.\nOn domestic issues, Edwards said Bush has presided over a loss of jobs during his administration -- the first president to do so since Herbert Hoover sat in the White House. He also said more Americans are in poverty, and living without health insurance, than when the president took the oath of office in 2001.\nBut Cheney said jobs are being created and said a Kerry-Edwards administration would seek to raise taxes.\nEdwards denied that even before the vice president said it, noting that the Democratic proposal calls for rolling back the Bush tax cuts on only those earning $200,000 or more a year.

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