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Friday, Sept. 27
The Indiana Daily Student


Series to show Latin American films

La Casa seeks to reveal Spanish-speaking world

If you've never heard of the films "Toca Para Mí" or "Machuca", Cristian Medina hopes to change that with his Latin American/Spanish Summer Movie Nights Series, which showcases Latin American and South American films.\nAs director of the series, Medina, in conjunction with the Latin American student cultural center La Casa, is showing Latin American and South American films to provide a medium for Latin American discourse on campus. \n"I wanted to show people about Latin America, and I think film is a good way to get people talking about the people, landscape, history, and politics of Spanish-speaking countries," Medina said. \nThis is the first year for the film series, and Medina is pleased with the increasing attendance at each subsequent showing. Medina said he hopes the increasing attendance will raise awareness about Latin American issues, particularly since there is a large Latin American portion of the student body. \n"I want people to know more about Latin America and South America, and to erase any misconceptions they may have," Medina said. "This film series is basically a fun way for people to learn more about Latin America and South America."\nThis Thursday's film, "Machuca," is a product of the Chilean film industry, and received much critical praise when released in 2004.\nMedina, who himself is Chilean, said the film is an excellent historical film.\n"'Machuca' is a film that shows Chilean history, particularly during the socialism of the 70s," Medina said.\nMedina also added that the film received several nominations from various film festivals.\nAlthough the film series is scheduled to end August 25, Medina hopes to extend the showings into the fall semester, with the help of La Casa, who play an integral role in providing the films for the series. Medina said the series would not be possible without their help.\nLatin American/Spanish Summer Movie Nights is held every Thursday night at 7 p.m. in the Geology Building, room 126.\nThe series began on June .30 and will continue through August 25. Showings are free and all are welcome.

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