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Friday, Sept. 27
The Indiana Daily Student


Cultural film series bring world to students

Asian, Latino cultural centers show foreign films

IU students might not have a chance to watch films in a different country, so two culture centers are doing the next best thing and bringing the films to the students.\nThe Asian Culture Center and La Casa Latino Cultural Center are each hosting separate film series for students to have fun and learn about another culture through cinema.\nBoth the ACC and La Casa are kicking off their film events Wednesday night. An Indian film, titled "Cosmopolitan" (2003), will play at 7 p.m. in the ACC. Three blocks south at La Casa, "The Motorcycle Diaries" (2004) will also show at 7 p.m. All films are subtitled in English.\n"Coming to these films gives you a new experience, something you might not have a chance to see on your own," said sophomore Connie Chen, a staff member of the ACC. She said films are selected based on their cultural value, but also because they should interest students. \nChen said after the film there will be a discussion so students can share opinions and answer questions. She said for some viewers, the film won't be considered foreign and they might be able to personally relate to it. \nLa Casa director Lillian Casillas said its film series is designed to provide another medium for learning about Latino culture.\n"We're trying to find different interest and comfort levels to provide a variety of ways to learn about Latino culture," she said.\nShe said they chose "The Motorcycle Diaries" because it incorporates politics and history and is also visually appealing.\n"We choose films that are recognizable, (but also) some that didn't make it to Bloomington (theaters)," she said. Casillas will also offer a discussion after the film.\nNext up for the ACC is "My American Vacation" (1999) at 7 p.m..\nAt 7 p.m., La Casa will screen "The Sea Inside" (2004), and Casillas said in November it will show a film about how the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks affected the Puerto Rican community.\n"We thought it was great that there is an influence and connection for Latinos in other parts of the world," Casillas said.

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