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Saturday, Sept. 28
The Indiana Daily Student


"Our Town" comes to B-Town

Premiering in New York back in 1938, "Our Town" by Thornton Wilder is still running today. The play, which also won a Pulitzer Prize in 1938 according to, revolves around the lives of two families in a small New Hampshire town. The audience will see the blood, sweat and tears of the characters' lives pour out to them in a simplified -- yet funny and touching -- manner. \n"Our Town" is playing this Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. with a Saturday matinee at 2 p.m. at Buskirk-Chumley Theater. The general admission price is $18, $15 for seniors (62 and older) and $13 for students with identification. There is also a special for the Saturday matinee where children under 16 pay only $8 with the supervision of an adult. \nDirector Randy White said the play has an easy-to-follow story, but it's difficult for the actors to get the correct tone and feel for the audience. \nFormer Broadway actor Henry Woronicz is playing the lead role, as the Stage Manager.\nMaster of Fine Arts design student Gordon Strain is the assistant designer of the play, working under scenic designer Lauren Helpern. Helpern is guiding Strain in a new mentoring program designed by Cardinal Stage, which pairs up professional actors/actresses, directors and designers with up-and-comers. \nAma Boakyewa, who plays Mrs. Soames, is a graduate student in Anthropology/African Studies. As a new actor, she said she likes performing because it provides relief from the stress of graduate work. She said she likes expressing herself to the audience through emotions and actions. "With a live audience, there is a nurturing exchange of energy," she said.

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