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Friday, Sept. 27
The Indiana Daily Student

President Suhr?

IUSA election write-ins include celebrities, historical figures

Mike Tyson, I. "Scooter" Libby and "Douchewad Magee" were among the losers in last week's IU Student Association elections -- none of the write-in candidates receiving more than a single vote. IU President Adam Herbert, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, former IU men's basketball coach Bob Knight and Dirty South rapper "Mike JOOOONES" shared their losing fate along with Osama Bin Laden, notorious Power Ranger Villain "Lord Zed" and Chuck Norris, who could not grasp victory despite the power of their individual celebrity.\nInanimate objects didn't fare much better, as "Ugg Boots" finished in a tie for third place in the race for McNutt Quad's representation to the IUSA Congress. "Leadership qualities," "pork chop sandwiches" and "the Mexican government" each received a meager one vote.\n"Students are in some sense wasting their vote," said Chief Justice of the IUSA court Brian Clifford. \nHe suggested that the prevalence of write-ins of people who are ineligible to receive votes could be political statements from voters who are \ndisillusioned with the election process. \n"But I have to admit that some of the names are interesting, and the write-ins make my job a lot more exciting," he said, citing the submission of "Little Red Writing Hood." \nThe IUSA election results were rife with write-in candidates including "ur mother," "my dad" and others selected by voters who took the time to log on to the IUSA voting Web site and write in the names of the candidates of their choice.\nFreshman Christine Derek, a write-in candidate for the IUSA Congress representing Read, won sole possession of second place in the residence hall, based completely on the strength of the votes of her and her boyfriend. \n"I didn't even know what position I was running for," Derek said. "I didn't know the person running and I just did it as a joke. I won't do it again. I don't want to affect the results of people who actually want to do it." \nIn this election, she didn't, losing miserably 211-2.\nSenior Stephen Hage said he was annoyed and disillusioned with the voting process. He took it upon himself to vote for a candidate he knew and respected: himself. \n"I didn't really care," Hage said. "There were people bothering me all day outside of the business school when I went to class, and when I got out of class ... it got a bit annoying.\n"I don't feel like they are going to do anything anyway, so it doesn't really matter."\nMost members of the men's basketball team garnered votes, including former walk-on Errek Suhr. \nDespite several votes for celebrities, the Magee family (Douchewad and Poopface) and other ineligible candidates, write-in votes did, however, have a significant impact on the makeup of next year's IUSA Congress with a few positions won, and others still up for grabs because of voters' outside choices. \nThe IUSA battle for representation for the nursing school is still being hotly contested as 13 students tied, receiving one vote apiece. Freshman Amanda Hoffman, one of the candidates for the fiercely contested position, said she was shocked she had even been considered for the position.\n"I have not the slightest idea who voted for me," she said.\nHoffman could have won with one more vote, but said she was too busy to vote for herself and didn't know what the elections were for. She is not even a School of Nursing student, she said.\nEvery vote mattered in the end for graduate student Brian Barker, who won graduate representation to the IUSA Congress by 100 percent more votes than any other candidate -- leaving his competitors in the dust with a staggering two votes. He beat 12 others who could only garner one vote apiece. \n"Me and my friend voted for me as a joke," said Barker, who found out about his win after being contacted by the Indiana Daily Student. \nHe said he has had a notorious political career of running for student government positions. Once, he ran for student body president as an undergraduate as a joke. However, this is the first time he's won. \nBarker said he is excited at the possibility of representing the graduate school. \n"I would do it, but first I have to find out what it is," he said.

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