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Saturday, Sept. 21
The Indiana Daily Student

Sexism back?

I'm bringing sexy back. (Yeah!) Them other boys don't know how to act. (Yeah!) I think it's special what's behind your back. (Yeah!) So turn around and I'll pick up the slack. (Yeah!) Take 'em to the bridge!"\nOh, Justin Timberlake.\nAs a college student, dance parties on the weekends with my dormmates have become a personal obsession. Even though I love getting down to ridiculous songs, after hearing "SexyBack" one too many times, I decided that it would be appropriate to analyze it and then tear it apart.\nLong-time teen dream, Justin Timberlake, decided to make a reappearance on the music scene. Where exactly did JT go? It seems like only yesterday -- er, I mean four years ago -- that he was on the top of the charts, being all "Justified."\nAnd just because Justin is back, it does not necessarily mean that sexy is back. Where did sexy go in the first place? I didn't realize it was gone. And I definitely don't think Justin is bringing it back.\nWhat Justin is bringing, however, is a demeaning attitude towards women. When is the last time you heard someone say "Whoa, check out the size of that cerebellum"? I, for one, have never heard that.\nIn the song, Justin says, "I'll let you whip me if I misbehave."\nBefore we can ponder this one too long, Timbaland saves us a disturbing mental image with his decree of "Take 'em to the chorus!" (It's a good thing he alerted us to the chorus because really, the repetition of the next few lines alone would never have indicated that it was indeed the chorus.)\nLiving in IU's intellectually rigorous environment, I find it hard to believe my peers would rather listen to Justin Timberlake than some real musical genius, such as Lindsay Lohan or Paris Hilton.\nDon't get me wrong, "SexyBack" has a nice beat and therefore is a great song to dance to. It's just the words that turn me off. Luckily for Justin, many people who listen to this song are in an environment where they aren't really paying attention to the lyrics. They are just focused on being "gone with it." A friend of mine told me it was a great song to dance to when you are drunk, proving my point exactly: Justin's repetitive babble is only tolerable if you are too smashed to realize what is going on.\nWhy are we supporting artists' already oversized egos by listening to their narcissistic, misogynistic gibberish? Aren't there more culturally stimulating pastimes, like NASCAR and WWE Raw?\nThe music we listen to changes every day. New bands spring up; new songs hit the top of the charts. Fortunately, what goes up must come down, meaning that sooner or later Justin will once again sink back into the shadows of girlfriend Cameron Diaz. Come on, Justin, let her "make up for the things you lack"

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