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Thursday, Oct. 3
The Indiana Daily Student


SoFA gallery hosts 'refreshing' evening

From a guitar autographed by members of the band Wilco to a large painting of four nudes in a kitchen, the pieces the SoFA gallery and the Friends of Art sold at the Refresh benefit gala and auction Friday night were as eclectic as the crowd that purchased them.\nAt first, gallery director Betsy Stirratt said she was worried about the bidding. She said she did not feel like people were bidding high enough and hoped the gallery would be able to raise enough money to cover its operational costs. \nAfter the auction, however, she said she felt better and realized that patrons were just waiting to bid on later pieces. She said she believes the event raised close to $20,000, meeting the proposed goal of the event.\nThe gallery was packed with more than 300 people laughing and enjoying the selection of hors d'ouevres and refreshments. Patrons wandered through the galleries, signing their bidding numbers and bids to cards. Auction attendees Greg and Carol Sidell were eyeing a piece of abstract statuary titled "New Leaf."\n"It doesn't really look like a leaf," Greg Sidell said. "It does match the couch."\nUpon concluding that it suited their living room furniture, the couple placed a bid on the piece.\nNot all patrons were at the event to bid, however. Sophomore Troy Mottard is a student in the BFA program. He said that he comes to all of the SoFA events throughout the year, and he thought that paying the $15 ticket price was the least he could do to support one of his favorite activities. \nThe live auction segment of the event began at 7:30 p.m. with a shout from the auctioneer: "There's plenty of seats and plenty of booze, so if you're timid, go get another beer!"\nMembers of the crowd laughed and began to congregate in one of the galleries. The atmosphere was electric as people sipped champagne (or chugged their beers) and contemplated their financial limits. Some shook their heads and dropped out of the race, others clenched their teeth and thrust their cards high into the air for just one more bid. \nArt from students, faculty, and even masters were auctioned off; a small Francisco Goya painting went for $230.\nThe price range was as varied as the pieces. An unsigned sketch went for $15, and a small, quirky landscape went for $1,050. Gretchen Knapp was one of the two women bidding ferociously for the piece. She did not get it, after giving up at $1,000. \n"It had great technique and a little joke. There is a little house of cards barely visible in the landscape," she said. "And the artist is becoming more prominent."\nThe pieces that did not sell will either be returned to the donating artists or be part of a new online auction program. \nThe gallery will hold another auction for jewelry Dec. 8.\nFor more information on the School of Fine Arts and its events, visit

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