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Saturday, Sept. 21
The Indiana Daily Student

Column = dirty business

I have never witnessed such an error in judgement with the publication of the opinion column from Tuesday, Oct. 17, entitled "Greek Speak" (by Scott Leadingham). First of all, to write an article about the lame and fictitious comments written on a bathroom stall, and secondly, to single out ONE chapter, in a community of MANY, is not only unjustifiable, but also inexcusable. There are zero grounds for such accusations to a specific chapter, as well as the entire greek community. The fact that there is a warning before the biased rebuttals to these comments only leads me to believe that this article was written in anger from not being involved in these great organizations. Instead of producing lies and false accusations from comments that are written on a wall where people do their "dirty business," I think it would be wise to take the time and point out the positive aspects of chapters and the greek community as a whole. To single out a chapter that you know nothing about is simply ignorant and shows evidence of inexperience and immaturity. According to IDS' Web site, the opinion page is "reserved for the newspaper's stance on issues affecting students, the community and the world." I highly doubt that the content on bathroom walls is of concern to IU students, let alone the community and world, and furthermore, it seems the longer one sits in a bathroom stall, the more preposterous the interpretations become.

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