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Saturday, Sept. 21
The Indiana Daily Student

Online Only: PETA hates animals

For quite some time, PETA has pretended to care about animals. On its Web site, PETA urges people to become vegetarians and not wear clothing made from animals. In response to Steve Irwin's death, PETA claimed any positive message of wildlife preservation that Irwin had communicated was lost when he exploited and harassed the very animals he meant to protect on his TV show. It seems odd that PETA would scream for animal cruelty because of a harmless TV show that was hosted by a conservationist but has no problem preventing the births of dogs and cats.\nPETA also urges people not to buy animals from pet shops or dog breeders because those animals could have been mistreated and possibly very sick. "Many pet shops fail to provide proper veterinary care to animals and often sell sick and injured animals," PETA says on its Web site. Instead of buying animals from pet stores, PETA tells people to " encourage pet stores that sell animals not to do so." \nWouldn't it seem customary to buy all the animals you could afford and take care of them yourself if you really cared about the sick animals? PETA would rather just have you "encourage" the store owners not to mistreat the animals. It also suggests that you not be tempted to give an animal as a gift. \n"While it's easy enough to toss an unwanted necktie to the back of the closet, a puppy, kitten, fish or other animal who is given as a gift risks a lifetime of suffering, unloved and unwanted." Never mind all those animals who got homes last Christmas.\nPETA wants people not to eat animals, but, at the same time, it doesn't want animals to reproduce. I think PETA's overarching conspiracy is that it wants to make the entire animal population extinct, not because it hates animals so much, but because PETA hates meat-eating humans even more. I suspect PETA knows that when all animals are gone from the Earth, the meat-eating humans will begin eating other humans. Then, all the meat eaters will fight among themselves until they're all dead. Then, and only then, will there be only vegetarians left in the world. \nThe absolute best thing for this world would be if the people at PETA spayed and neutered themselves -- that would end everyone else's suffering, at least.

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