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Saturday, Sept. 21
The Indiana Daily Student

Rape Crisis Fund in crisis

WE SAY: Efficiency demands that IUSA relinquish control of fund

In light of these meager numbers, IUSA, which sponsors the fund and donates money to Middle Way House, has decided to undertake a full review of the fund. Exactly what that means is open to interpretation, but the central point is clear: Something needs to be done. \nCampus groups such as Friends of Middle Way House and Raising Awareness of Interactions in Sexual Encounters, along with staff from Middle Way House, voiced their opinion to IUSA officials Friday concerning how to approach the "review." Those in attendance decided that a taskforce should be formed to make a recommendation to IUSA's Executive Board concerning how to proceed. The ultimate decision on how the fund will proceed belongs to IUSA. The taskforce will provide valuable insight as well as an opportunity for the general public to weigh in during open forums and town hall meetings. We're not in a position to speculate on IUSA's true intentions, but we'll help the taskforce by providing a recommendation: Take the fund out of IUSA's hands, and put it in the hands of a group that truly wants it.\nIt's clear that the Rape Crisis Fund is not the top priority of IUSA. And it shouldn't be. IUSA has no less than 40,000 other obligations to attend to. This is not to say the fund is unimportant or unnecessary. Quite the opposite. Something as important as the Rape Crisis Fund, which began in the 1980s to specifically address a horrible situation at IU, needs to be under the supervision of an organization whose primary purpose is the maintenance of the fund and issues it addresses. A logical group would be, oh, say, the Friends of Middle Way House, whose stated mission includes raising funds and awareness for the very organization the fund benefits. \nWhile our words might seem critical of IUSA, we commend them for taking this issue head on. Previous IUSA administrations have let the fund dwindle in importance both to themselves and the general student population. It's been speculated that part of the problem has been faulty software used in the registration process. Let's get real. IUSA's priority in maintaining the fund has fallen along with the actual donation levels. Not until now has our student administration recognized the problem and decided to do something about it. The initial reaction of those who value the fund, and think IUSA has a vendetta to axe it, might be discontent. We don't believe IUSA's intentions are evil; it's intentions are good. Our only request is that IUSA abide by the recommendations of the taskforce.

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