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Saturday, Sept. 21
The Indiana Daily Student

Riding along in whose automobile?

WE SAY: Outsourcing IU's motor pool is great, but acknowledge current employees

On Thursday, the Indiana Daily Student ran a story concerning a proposal to open bids for the running of IU's motor pool to private companies, an issue that has upset those who believe outsourcing will compromise IU's commitment to current employees. \nBut the very same day, the IDS also published a story about the problem of overcrowding on campus buses. And the day after that, the IDS ran a column griping about transportation issues. The week before that, the paper published an article encouraging students to apply for jobs as bus drivers, citing employee shortages.\nNotice a pattern? We sure do. From all the complaining, on the parts of both IU students and administration, it would appear IU is having transportation problems, many of them because of an insufficient budget, which has led the University to consider the proposed outsourcing. \nFor IU students, this means they will have to decide what to complain about: a mountain of transportation shortfalls or the possibility that the campus might -- and we stress "might" -- lose a limited number of jobs to outsourcing. \nIt's a tough decision, isn't it, to choose which position is more complaint-worthy? And heaven knows, here at the Opinion Desk, we love to complain.\nRecall, if you will, though, that outsourcing is not the only option that the board of trustees had to consider. The administrative powers that be could have decided that trimming the program's budget would provide the best solution. However, the University intends to reduce operational costs without sacrificing staff.\nAnd the other options? Either work to garner some serious private donations from those who consider millions of dollars pocket change or raise tuition again. If we recall correctly, tuition hikes don't usually go over very well with the student body, many of whom would rather suffer several consecutive root canals. \nIf outsourcing our motor pool can alleviate our transportation problems while at the same time saving IU some serious cash, we say, "Go for it." \nHowever, we politely request that IU not make the change in operators in a corporately "evil" manner. Some of those employed by the motor pool have been with the University for generations, and even those who have only been working here for a little while do an amazing job of putting up with administrative and student wants, needs and blatant demands.\nIf and when such a switch does take place, we remind the fine folks at Hertz that those currently employed by the University already know the ropes of this place and are capable of such amazing feats as knowing which van is in Wyoming, which sedan is in New York and which tank is in Iraq (that last one might be a stretch). It would be well worth your resources to keep these people under your employ.\nBesides, if you do, we are guaranteed to lose interest in the issue at hand, and we'll be forced to look for other things to complain about.

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