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Saturday, Sept. 21
The Indiana Daily Student

SACS is here to help

The emotional trauma resulting from rape or sexual assault can be devastating and have long-lasting consequences. Reactions can include shock, guilt, fear, confusion, anger, depression and anxiety. As a result, academic performance is often compromised when these emotions interfere with studying and class attendance. While self-blame and feelings of guilt often discourage individuals from seeking help, it is important to deal with these issues as soon as possible to minimize the negative consequences.\nFriends and family can be good sources of support. If someone you know has been sexually assaulted, there are some things you can do to assist them. \nIt is important not to blame the individual for the assault. \nQuestioning his or her behavior or choices leading up to the assault is an example of blaming the victim. Offer support and help only to the extent that it is agreeable to the individual and comfortable for you. Individuals who have been assaulted often feel that everything is out of their control. Allowing them to understand their choices and make their own decisions can help them regain a sense of control. \nBeing available, listening in a nonjudgmental manner and providing information about available resources are all excellent ways for you to help. \nProfessional counseling offers many benefits. It provides an opportunity to talk about the incident in a safe and supportive environment. It helps the individual identify problematic issues and focus on resolving the issues. \nThe IU Sexual Assault Crisis Service was established in 1988. SACS, located in the IU Health Center, is staffed by two licensed and specifically trained counselors who provide crisis intervention, referrals and counseling to individuals who have been raped or otherwise sexually assaulted. All information is confidential. \nThe crisis line, 855-8900, provides the opportunity to speak to a counselor by telephone 24 hours a day and is available not only to the individual who has been assaulted but also to others seeking information to assist that individual. Referrals can be made for medical and legal assistance. \nSACS also provides educational programming for campus groups and departments to raise awareness about sexual assault. Remember: Being aware of one's surroundings, being with trusted friends, using caution with drugs and alcohol and avoiding isolation can all help lessen the likelihood of sexual assault. \nMore information about safety and the services offered is available on the SACS Web site

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