Ah, October. In most places, it heralds a gradual drop in temperatures. \nBut Bloomington isn't most places. If last week's cold snap is any indication, we might soon be in over our heads here in southern Indiana's frozen hinterlands. As silly as it seems to break out your long underwear just after the official end of summer, we can't fight Mother Nature. Trust me, I've tried.\nBecause our schizophrenic weather seems to want to head straight into winter, all of our energy bills will rise to untold heights in the next few weeks. Heating an apartment or a house is definitely not cheap, and for those who think they've beaten the system by living in dorms, think again. Just because you don't see a bill doesn't mean there isn't a cost. Taxpayers end up taking the hit, and that hit translates into lower revenues for other aspects of higher education.\nThought you were clever, didn't you?\nNot only do energy bills skyrocket in the winter, but so do the emissions our Physical Plant belches into the atmosphere. No, there's nothing like a nice lungful of sulfur dioxide to start the day off right. \nSo, in the interest of saving energy and moolah, here are a few ways to reduce your energy consumption this winter:\n• Turn off TVs and computers when you aren't using them. Unplug your power cords and cell phone chargers when you are finished with them (they still draw energy even when they are not in use ... sneaky bastards). \n• Exchange your lightbulbs for longer-burning compact fluorescent lighting. It'll save you a bundle, plus it'll eliminate that period when you and your roommates sit in total darkness, in a contest of wills, waiting for someone to change the bulb. \n• If you have your own place, use your microwave to cook when possible. It uses much less energy than an oven, and besides, 10 minutes is much too long to have to wait for leftover Aver's to get warm.\n• For those of you who wash your dishes, make sure your washer is full before each load, and use a low energy setting if there is one available. For those of you who let your dishes pile up, make sure whatever species of mold is springing up from your leftover crumbs isn't emitting toxic spores.\n• Clean your dryer's lint trap before running it. Not only will this improve air circulation, but it'll also keep you from catching the dryer on fire and burning your dorm down. (Although, if your residence bursts into flames, you won't have to worry about heating it anymore.) \n• Now this last one's tricky, kids: Wear more clothing. Although your tube top might show off your, uh, assets, it's winter -- put on a sweater! And don't even get me started on the certifiably insane flip-flop wearers who think letting toe cleavage hang out in sub-zero temperatures is cool.\nSeriously, folks, save it for when the weather breaks -- next June.
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