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Saturday, Sept. 21
The Indiana Daily Student

Bowing to Kelley

We have noticed a trend that needs to be addressed immediately. While we have a captive audience (both of our readers), we'd like to point out that we know from firsthand experience that students in the business school do have good qualities. In fact, both of us live with business majors, and we have been made aware of our misconceptions.\nOne of the knocks on business majors is that they take classes that are "unnecessary," "frivolous" or even "a complete waste of time." Clearly, those who make these assumptions have not checked their facts. For example, does Business and Economic Strategy in the Public Arena sound worthless? If this class is at all how it sounds (students wearing shirts labeled "Business Strategy" or "Economic Strategy" fight gladiator-style while the other students hurl food and garbage at them), our only concern is why we aren't all required to take it. Why take impractical courses on fabricated subjects like evolution or European history when we can take courses that will prepare us for future careers (like jousting with Nitro from American Gladiators)?\nAnother misconception about the business school is that its graduates don't have a well-rounded education. That is simply wrong. Exhibit A: Business majors are required not only to take Introduction to Managerial Accounting but also Introduction to Financial Accounting. All bases are covered! \nWe used to think that whenever our business major friends complained about the difficulty of their classes, they were exaggerating. False. Case in point: statistics. Sure, many other majors have to take a statistics course in order to graduate, but statistics for COAS majors entails basic arithmetic, unlike business statistics, which is composed of math too advanced to mention. Paradoxically, the statistics course required for business is offered through COAS. We hypothesize that this is simply to make those of us who aren't fortunate enough to be Kelley students feel better about our own mediocre diplomas. How great a feeling it is to wake up in the morning knowing we take classes in the same arena as Kelley School prodigies.\nWe used to get upset when our business-major friends would tell us how highly ranked the Kelley School is or how high their starting salaries will be. Then we realized they're right. They're actually better than us (especially SPEAns). \nWe feel the business school doesn't receive near the amount of respect it deserves. From battling to the death in classes to studying advanced mathematical topics, the Kelley School offers it all. In honor of our new realizations, we've prepared the following statement: Kiss My Kelley School.

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