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Thursday, Oct. 3
The Indiana Daily Student


First IU 'Latexhibition' displays latex art for World AIDS Day

Contest winner will receive year's supply of condoms

Many condoms will be unwrapped and used this week, but the ones used in the Indiana Memorial Union Solarium Friday will have a unique fate. They will be displayed as works of art for IU's first "Latexhibition."\nLatexhibition is a display of artwork created with condoms and other latex barrier devices. Latexhibition will be held on World Aids Day "as part of a community wide effort to educate and reflect on the HIV/AIDS epidemic," according to a press release.\nThe idea of Latexhibition began as a project for human sexuality students at San Francisco State University, where IU graduate student Chris Fisher received his master's in human sexuality studies.\n"The biggest barrier to using condoms and other latex devices is often because of a sense being uncomfortable touching and talking about them," Fisher said.\nThe process of handling and talking about condoms will help normalize them, Fisher said. Latexhibition is a creative way to help keep conversations about HIV/AIDS prevention going.\n"It's an opportunity to talk and laugh and not feel so anxious about condoms," Fisher said.\nFisher anticipates between 50 and 60 pieces of art from students and other community members. Prizes will be awarded to the winners of each of three categories, which include best overall, most educational and most artistic. The winners will be displayed at several different venues around Bloomington, such as the IU Health Center. The best overall winner will receive a year's supply of condoms from Condomania. Kevin Segall, Director of Marketing for Condomania, said a year's supply is 500 condoms. Winners will be chosen by a panel of judges that includes Miss Gay Bloomington 2006 Jazmyn Taylor.\nAn example of an educational piece is one of the winners from last year's Latexhibition at SFSU, a life size safe-sex prom dress. "As we can see in the media and movies such as 'American Pie,' the goal of many teenagers is not just to go to prom, but to have sex," Fisher said.\nPeople need to realize that kids are going to do this, but they need to be safe about it, Fisher said.\nFor more information about Latexhibition or to submit a piece of art for the competition, visit the event Web site at The event is open to the public.\n"I encourage everybody to come and have a good time," Fisher said.

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