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Saturday, Sept. 21
The Indiana Daily Student

Generating passes and controversy

WE SAY: Soghoian's civil disobedience served the public interest

The FBI and Transportation Security Administration are investigating an IU doctoral candidate after he developed a Web site that allowed users to generate fake Northwest Airlines boarding passes. Chris Soghoian of the IU School of Informatics claims to have never printed a fake pass himself. \nAs a range of people from IU and around the world gather in Soghoian's corner, we would like to praise the IU grad student for finding an innovative way of effecting change. By creating this Web site he has accomplished two important results. First, he has exposed a flaw in the air transportation system that is a major security threat. Second, by posting his generator on the Internet where it could garner notice from the authorities and, thereby, media coverage, the bureaucracy has no choice than to give immediate attention to the situation.\nDespite the potential good done by Soghoian, he might face jail time as the investigation of his work and of the University unfolds. And such is his duty as an American citizen. Soghoian (if found guilty of any charges brought against him), having committed a crime, will serve a sentence that is no doubt justified in the American legal system. But we must remember that the exponential good that will result from forcing the TSA to correct this flaw far outweighs the poor means by which he achieved the end. Soghoian might have broken the law (emphasis on "might"), but in doing so he has made the country much safer from security threats. After all, would the American people prefer the problem be revealed by an IU grad student hoping to fix the problem or find out six months down the road when disaster strikes and lives are lost? \nAs the investigation continues and more people join the crowd behind Soghoian (whether publicly denouncing the investigation, joining his Facebook group, "Keep Chris out of Jail," or contributing to his Paypal account) the IDS editorial board wants to make one statement perfectly clear: Soghoian might be a criminal -- but for all the right reasons.

DISSENT\nThis is not a case of someone performing a public service, but rather a graduate student with an overinflated sense of self-importance. Perhaps Chris Soghoian should become a consultant and share some of his genius with the ignorant drones in the FBI and Homeland Security. It's not like they could possibly know anything about national security or thwarting terrorism ... \nSarcasm aside, what this guy did was wrong. Yes, he did expose a security flaw, but he did it in the wrong way. He might not have used his program to print a fake boarding pass, but what if someone did and used it to commit a violent act?\nThe blood of the innocent would be on his hands.\nI do not know if criminal charges will ever be substantiated, but if they are the U.S. attorney should show no mercy. This guy knew exactly what he was doing and should get whatever punishment he can.\n-- Edward Delp

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