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Saturday, Sept. 21
The Indiana Daily Student

Plane spotting

I love airports. Since I was a small child, airports have meant more to me than simply a means to a destination; they are destinations themselves. Friday, I was able to experience once more the miracle of flight and the bustling energy of airports as I winged my way across the country to sunny Arizona. \nOver many years of traveling, I have noticed that airports have a distinct culture. The face of the population in these transportation hubs is always dynamic; the exchange of travelers is quick and unending. \nEach individual has a unique purpose for being there. But that purpose, though personally disconnected from other passengers' motivations, brings them all through a common process to a common center of activity. The high energy of thousands of people at any given moment, coming and going, is infectious. Even when experiencing layovers and long security lines, there is still a sense of urgency, a buzzing hum of anticipation. \nI thrive on that energy. Though beaten and exhausted from a long week of exams and little sleep, the infectious energy of the traveling collective kept me awake, alert and excited during my six hours of layovers in Indianapolis and Chicago. I was at peace knowing that though I was not physically moving, I was that much closer to my final destination. The transient nature of the situation, in accord with the frenetic energy, allowed the opportunity for silent reflection, people-watching and conversations that could never occur elsewhere. It is those moments, impossible to attain at such a heightened level in any other place, that make me so thrilled to find myself in a terminal.\nSadly, many people don't share my eager attitude about airports. The energy that I find so exhilarating is the same energy that inspires agitation and negativity in a great deal of travelers, especially during the holidays. Though the feverish anticipation can keep us alert and excited, that same anticipation can explode into a blind rage when we are forced to adjust our itineraries because of weather or human error. \nThere were three separate occasions Friday when people were literally screaming at each other over perceived transgressions in boarding line protocol. I saw various instances of frazzled travelers reaming desk attendants about delays that were obviously out of their control. Snide remarks, loud complaints and passive-aggressive idiosyncrasies flew like arrows. Their negative responses to the pressure of traveling made a situation of potentially awesome possibilities downright awful for themselves and those around them.\nSo as many of you brave the crowded holiday airports this week in the process of celebrating Thanksgiving break, remember to be kind to your neighbors in line. Be careful of small children and people who are dealing with fears, challenges and family drama. Take delays in stride, recognizing that it is all part of your own unique journey through life. We're all in this together, so don't let petty disagreements stir up cloudy energy and sour your own experience. \nBask in airport culture and enjoy your well-deserved break. Happy Thanksgiving!

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