After reading the editorial titled “No joke” (Feb. 15) about a not-so-funny editorial piece on rape at Central Connecticut State University, I wanted to let you know you don’t have to go that far away to find inappropriate humor. Just turn on IUSTV (or be forced to watch it while waiting for movies to come on Hoosier Cinema on one of the televisions stationed around campus). Tasteless jokes and vague attempts at humor abound on shows such as “F’N Democracy.” I don’t think they’ve tried to be humourous about rape victims, but they have covered victims of molestation. Other topics that are fair game include jokes about people selling their family to play the stock market, making enough money to own slaves and things being “blacker than Flava Flav.” You really should force yourself to watch an episode sometime. I’m sure you’ll find it to be equally lowbrow and to be the bane of those forced to watch it.
JP Summerlot\nGraduate student