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Saturday, Sept. 21
The Indiana Daily Student

Land of real women would be better

Relationships, self-actualization, senile old people, death and pedophilia. These are pretty much the five corners of Jon Kasdan's movie. "In the Land of Women" is his directorial as well as writing debut for the big screen, and it shows.\n"In the Land of Women" is a story about Carter (Adam Brody from "The O.C."), who, after suffering a Hollywood breakup, finds out that his grandma is, well, old. He leaves Los Angeles to live with her in Michigan and take care of her while writing his magnum opus story about growing up in L.A. at age 26. Oh, I forgot to mention, Carter writes soft-core porn scripts for movies.\nFirst, he meets a mother named Sarah (Meg Ryan), whom he apparently has a thing for. Then she convinces her daughter Lucy (Kristen Stewart from "Panic Room") to hang out with him because he is alone, and thus begins the uncomfortable feeling you get while watching this movie. Next, we are drowning in a sea of plot devices and overly dramatic camera pans and zooms.\nFrom the opening scene (a coffee shop breakup scene) the viewer is confused about what is going on and where everything is going. Kasdan obviously was going for a metaphorical type of story but failed miserably. This movie would be better classified as a "how-not-to" guide for movie making.\nThe acting was questionable at best and the cinematography was disorienting. The worst thing about this movie was the story. You're led to believe that Carter and Lucy are falling in love, even though they are about 10 years apart (Lucy being approximately 15, I think). As well as other strange elements that make you wonder just what kind of things does Kasdan do for fun, this is his kind of story about hope, love and growing up in L.A. The characters are interchangeable with almost any movie out there, so much so that this story feels more like a political statement about Kasdan's views of suburban life than anything else. There's nothing original here.\nThere really isn't anything about this movie that makes it worth seeing so save your money. We all know you'll need it after Little 5.

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