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Wednesday, Jan. 8
The Indiana Daily Student

The 5 best shows WEEKEND witnessed at Bonnaroo

Super Jam. Ween, The Flaming Lips, The White Stripes, The Roots

1. Super Jam\nThe midnight show was a\nhistoric jam in every sense.\nBen Harper's voice and guitar\nsoared over masterful\nbass from Led Zeppelin's\nJohn Paul Jones and deep\ngrooves from Questlove, who\nlooked like a king atop his\nhigh-rising drum kit.\nThe trio created a soundscape\nof classic Zeppelin\nsongs for the fi rst set, weaving\nthem together in a collage\nwith a soulful, extended\njam on "When the Levee\nBreaks" and "Good Times\nBad Times" continuously returning\nto riffs from "Dazed\nand Confused."

2. Ween

Gene Ween absolutely\nshredded his guitar as Dean\nWeen's often warbled, distorted\nvoice crooned songs\nto the roaring delight of their\ncult-like following. One fan\neven made a sequined Ween\nbelt. Their two-hour set began\nwith the perfect opening\nline "let's begin with the\npast in front" from "Exactly\nWhere I'm At" and continued\nwith fan favorites "Bananas\nand Blow," "Baby Bitch" and\n"Ocean Man." Dean and Gene\nare Bonnaroo veterans but\nlooked like wide-eyed kids\necstatic over the warm reception\nthey got as they came\nback for their encore.

3. The Flaming Lips

The Lips put on what\nwas undoubtedly the best\n"show" of the weekend. Lead\nsinger Wayne Coyne began\nby launching into the crowd\nenclosed in an infl ated plastic\nbubble after descending\nfrom his elaborate spaceship\ninto a land fi lled with oversized\nfl oating balloons and\nan endless stream of confetti.\nHe made it easy to forget music\nwas being played.\nThe Lips played an out-ofthis-\nworld set fi lled with sing-along\nhits like "She Don't Use Jelly"\nand "Do You Realize" while\noften getting political, speaking\nout against the war with a somber\nrendition of "Taps."

4. The White Stripes

Jack and Meg White are\na tour de force. A full sonic\nexplosion. A "Seven Nation\nArmy" of rock.\nJack launched the duo's new\nsingle "Icky Thump," which\nfeatures a riff so powerful it's\nhard to imagine it's new.\nThe Stripes re-energized\nan exhausted audience as the\nfestival wound down Sunday\nevening. Jack led the duo,\nwailing away on guitar and\nleaping on top of amps as he\nmoved from guitar to electronic\nkeyboard, blasting out\nhits like "Dead Leaves and\nthe Dirty Ground," "Hotel\nYorba" and "Blue Orchid."

5. The Roots

Questlove made his stake\nfor artist of the festival by\ntaking control of the show on\ndrums and showing off his\nvocals. He laid down a spoton\ncover of The Police's "Roxanne,"\nbut I don't remember\nSting saying "let me holler at\nyou" before the chorus.\nThe Roots pulled out all the\nstops, but the crowd seemed\nuninspired -- that is until a\nband member challenged\nthem, saying, "We got tubas.\nWe got sousaphones and all\nthat shit. Are you not entertained?"\nFrom then on, the\naudience was captivated, especially\nduring "The Seed"

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