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Saturday, Jan. 4
The Indiana Daily Student

Beyond crystal balls

Local psychics speak about their services, history and future

As the two sibling psychics Nancy Eaves and Laurie Collins sit across from each another, the vibrant colors of their clothing and jewelry set the scene for a psychic encounter.\n"First of all, you don't have a card that says you're going to die," tarot reader Eaves said.\nA psychic reads customers' body language as it coincides with their mind, body and soul, said Collins, a local psychic who specializes in rune readings. Attention to detail and body language is the basis for psychics to further a reading through their power, she said.\nDisbelief in the ability to have psychic powers is common among customers, Collins said. She has seen those who purposely try to prove her powers false. She enjoys seeing them change their minds after a reading.\n"I would love when skeptics would come in skeptical and then leave not-so-skeptical," said energy healer Christine Marie Evangelista.\nIn addition to having to deal with general skepticism, psychics are looked down upon by many religions. People in this area used to think of psychics as witches, said psychic Jan Reynolds. In the early '90s, she said, being a psychic in Bloomington wasn't user-friendly.\n"We're part of the Bible Belt, where psychics don't advertise much," Reynolds said.\nThere are numerous psychics in the area who are available for palm, tarot, runes, channels and regular readings, which range in price and length.\nThe various readings are used for different times in people's lives. A tarot reading, for example, does not tell time very well, while other psychic readings can predict time elements better. Whichever reading is comfortable for those interested can be done in a personal and comfortable setting.\n"Our readings get very emotional, so we keep a box of Kleenex at our station," Eaves said.

How they got into it and what's next

Reynolds said she has done readings for 17 years, but before her life as a psychic, she was a devout Christian and massage therapist. Due to Bloomington's large demographic of college-aged students, Reynolds found interest in studying the life of indigos. Indigos are people born with a "gift," she said, such as music or writing, and they are young adults who question why things are the way they are, she said. One in 10 people born between 1973 through 1996 is an indigo, she said.\nEaves and Collins live together and open their home for business. The two travel to psychic fairs and visit with customers at their homes or on house calls.\nThe sisters, who are Irish women, said they were inspired to further their psychic abilities after a trip to Ireland. After their trip, Collins' work with rune readings inspired her to create a unique format for her readings.\nCollins designed a "tree of life," leaving spaces for nine stones during her rune reading. The reading begins with the customer touching all the stones in a bag. The bag is full of stones that allow energy to be transferred from the hand of the customer to the stones, Collins said. The bag contains 25 stones, with each stone meaning something different. It has stones that symbolize strength, wisdom, focus, purity and self-thought, just to name a few. During the reading, the tree is built on interpretations from each stone that the customer picks. Rune reader Collins interprets every stone as is it placed on the tree of life.\n"We're intuitive people," Collins said.\nEaves is currently working on designing a unique deck of tarot cards to use during her readings. The world of tarot-card design has cards that range from a teddy-bear design theme, such as the deck Eaves plans to create, to the more common mystical-colored decks with Egyptian art on them. \nWhen the two sisters travel to fairs, exhibitors display a wide variety of card decks. \nThey attend fairs annually in surrounding major cities in Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana and Missouri. Art flurries within the fairgrounds, where hundreds of psychics and renowned artists set up tables displaying artwork, jewelry and books. At the core of the fairs are, of course, the psychic readings.\n"You see passion at the fairs," tarot reader Eaves said.

Tarot reading with Nancy Eaves

A reading is accurate for about three months after it is given. A tarot deck contains 78 cards to choose from. The customer shuffles the cards and chooses 10, with each symbolic of where the customer is in their life. As a bonus, the customer will the be asked to think of a question that can be answered, and additional cards are drawn. The next and final cards that are drawn will have guidance to lead to an answer.

Rune reading with Laurie Collins

These readings trace back to the Viking era, and the objective for the reading is to direct the individual on their path of life. A bag filled with 25 stones with various symbolic meanings, such as self-thought, focus and reward are but a few interpretations read on the stones. Eight stones are drawn and placed on a drawing of a tree, which is numbered for stages of life. After the tree is complete, the customer may draw a ninth bonus stone that allows them to ask about anything they want to. At the end of each reading, Collins writes what each stone means and sends the drawing and information home with the customer. Collins said her readings are comparable to a counseling session. Readings are good for three months, or up to a year, she said.

Energy healing with Christine Marie Evangelista

A customer is seated comfortably in a reclining chair or on a massage table, as Evangelista sits to the side. The purpose of the session is to help put energy back in a natural healthy balance, she said. She places her hands on the customer's head and heart to bring about energy and messages for interpretations. Messages are given during or immediately following the session. Customers who visit her typically are dealing with an illness, and the goal is to find the root of the problem, she said, "on a physical and emotional level ... if nothing else, they will feel relaxed." Clients give feedback after the reading, and healers prefer not to know what's wrong beforehand, she said.

Get your own reading\nLocal psychics offer different \nservices; find one that works for you

Laurie Eileen Collins\nRune interpretations\n$35 for 30-minute reading\nCall (812) 381-3579 or (812) 876-8126\n203 W. Chester Dr. in Ellettsville

Nancy E. Eaves\nTarot card readings\n$35 per reading\\nCall (812) 384-7136 or (812) 876-8126

Christine Marie Evangelista\nEnergy healing \napproximately $65 for one-to-two-hour session\\n(812) 334-0588\

Scott Kellog\nTarot readings at Athena every Wednesday\n116 N. Walnut Ave.\n(812) 339-0734

Jan Reynolds\nPhysic and channel readings\nStudent price -- $20 per reading\nRegular price -- $65-85 per reading\n(812) 332-4283

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