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Sunday, Oct. 13
The Indiana Daily Student


Father, son lead IU club hockey

Duo have been together on, off the ice for years

As the son of a former NHL player and younger sibling to three college hockey players, IU ice hockey senior captain Dan Karlander knew early on that hockey would play a significant part in his life.\nWhat he didn’t know is how much his father Al Karlander would be involved in his hockey career.\nDan Karlander wraps up his career at IU this year, which was highlighted by his selection to play on an all-star team in Europe over winter break. Just as his career began at age six, it will end with his father as head coach.\nAl Karlander, who played for the Detroit Red Wings from 1969 to 1973, coached his son in several youth leagues and again in high school for two years. But when Dan Karlander moved on to college hockey, he figured he wouldn’t see much of his dad.\n“I came to IU and never thought I’d play for my dad again,” Dan said. However, veteran coach Rich Holdeman resigned after Dan’s sophomore year. Al applied for and was awarded the job.\nWhile the Karlanders might be used to this dual father-son, coach-player relationship, it does create tough situations. With hockey’s violent nature, there is a stark contrast between a father showing love for his son and a coach admonishing his players. When Dan Karlander hears his father yell at him on the ice, he knows he is doing it in his role as coach.\n“When (I) step on the ice, he’s the coach,” Dan Karlander said. “He’s still my dad, but it’s a different relationship around hockey (than) when I go to dinner with him. In a game, if I screw up, he should yell at me.”\nBoth of them have sacrificed much to help the team. In doing so, they’ve formed a special relationship unlike most father-son bonds. \nDan Karlander served on the club’s executive board as treasurer and spent the last two seasons as captain. He led the team in scoring the last two seasons.\nAl Karlander is responsible for coaching duties on the ice, including the role of choosing the players to dress on game day. Along with associate head coach Tom Orr, Al Karlander spends several hours behind the scenes working to develop IU hockey. \n“It’s really nice to have your dad around,” Dan Karlander said. “A lot of people go to college and the relationship with your parents distances. I almost have a professional relationship with my dad, because we both take a huge part in running this organization. It’s cool to see my dad in that regard.”\nAs coach, Al Karlander is forced to walk a fine line when making decisions about his son’s role on the team. \n“It can be tough coaching your son with concerns about showing favoritism or playing to his level and not the team’s level,” Al Karlander said. “But it’s an absolute joy and privilege to coach him. We’ve probably shared higher highs than most father-son relationships.\n“I tend to be harder on him than the other players. But I find that my expectations for him are not any greater than the expectations he has for himself.” \nOver winter break, Dan Karlander will travel with the American Collegiate Hockey Association’s Division II Select Team to Europe and play four exhibition games against professional European teams. The crowds will range in size from 3,000 to 5,000, something Dan Karlander rarely experiences in collegiate club hockey.\n“I’m really excited about it,” Dan Karlander said. “I never really thought I’d get a chance to do this. It’s a huge honor I was selected to do it.”\nHis whirlwind tour will include games, as well as some sightseeing, in Munich, Germany, Prague, Czech Republic and Innsbruck, Austria. \nIt’s little surprise that his dad will be making the trip with him. This time, however, he will just be a spectator.

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