I have had more fun in college than any other time in my life. Some weeks were hell because of tests I had to take and papers I had to write, but the memories I made on the weekends will last me a lifetime. As the incoming editor of WEEKEND magazine, I want this publication to showcase the things that make weekends in Bloomington so much fun for so many people, and to do that I need your help. \nOne of the things I talked about as I interviewed students to hire for my staff was collaboration. Each staff member will have a specific title but they will all be responsible for making WEEKEND a publication IU students look forward to reading every Thursday. If my designer has an idea for a story, or if my features editor has an idea for the cover of the magazine, I want to know about it. This idea of collaboration extends to the readers of WEEKEND as well. If you have found some unique way to have fun on the weekend or if you see a group of people who have started a new trend, I want to know about it. \nWEEKEND has become stereotyped by some as a magazine with stories about drinking games and reviews of indie-rock bands, but I want this publication to be more than that. Most students already know everything there is to know about drinking games, so I want to find the things you can do for fun that the majority of students don't know about. Most students have more than one genre of music on their iPods, and I want the reviews section to acknowledge that. \nI want to do these things so that when you're sitting in class on a Thursday and your professor is boring you to tears, you can pick up the latest issue of WEEKEND to find something to do that night and the music you're going to listen to while you're getting ready.
You say goodbye, and I say hello
Spring 2008 WEEKEND Editor introduces himself
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