Return of the living meat:\n"Aqua Teen Hunger Force" has made its triumphant debut this season, promising more glee for high-as-hell surrealists and total bewilderment for everyone else. Music snobs take note: Neko Case and Josh Homme of Queens of the Stone Age make cameo appearances.
A warmer, fuzzier "Idol": \nThe normal freak show that heralds the beginning of "American Idol" auditions started with fewer jeers and fewer freaks. Frankly, we were disappointed. The best part of "Idol" isn't the good singers; it's the guilty pleasures! Give us Sanjaya and William Hung (not to mention, winner Taylor Hicks)!
Scrabulous fo' life: \nUsers of the Facebook Scrabble knock-off Scrabulous have found themselves with no way to waste hours on Facebook -- an unusual position for anyone. Still, after Hasbro and Mattel threatened legal action against the little plug-in, the 2.3 million users rose up in defense. How touching that we'll rally to save an online flash game but ignore our elections.
Did Tom Cruise take her soul?: \nKatie Holmes gave an interview to promote her movie "Mad Money," although "interview" may be a bit of a stretch, given that Holmes seemed to have no life whatsoever. Her answers were monotonic and monosyllabic, leading us to wonder if Tom Cruise and Scientology have taken what's left of Katie's humanity.
"'Celebrity' Apprentice": \nThese guys are celebrities in the way that Dennis Kucinich is a candidate for president: They're likable enough and fit the definition, but no one's going to mistake them for the real thing. When Alec Baldwin makes an appearance to bolster his brother's ink selling (seriously), it's a highlight for the whole series … which gives you some idea about the rest of it.