I don’t even understand what the debate is about. Maybe it’s a product of having been alive to see the Hoosiers hoist a national championship trophy, but I feel that IU basketball is much more important than one man. The University should do all it can in conjunction with the NCAA to get to the bottom of the allegations against Kelvin Sampson, and unless new information comes to light to contradict the NCAA’s findings, the man should no longer be a Hoosier.\n Many of us were skeptical when he was hired due to his history at Oklahoma, but due to a love for our program coupled with our hope for the future, we gave him the benefit of the doubt. How naive would the program look if we let him stay and something like this happened again? And by the way, it will. Integrity is like being pregnant. There’s no middle ground. It used to be that even when the going got tough for IU basketball, we could hold our heads high, point to a lesser program, (we all know who they are) and say, “at least we didn’t stoop to that level.” Well, guess what. Ever since he signed his name on that dotted line, Kelvin Sampson has represented IU basketball, so we just stooped.\n The sooner we act on this the more face we will salvage, and we will be in a much better position as we search for a new coach and recruit for the future. Long live Hoosier hoops!
End the debate: fire Sampson
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