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Sunday, Sept. 29
The Indiana Daily Student

Red Cross campaign strives to create ‘heroes’

70 people have already signed up, must raise $1,000

In an effort to raise money and awareness, the Monroe County Chapter of the American Red Cross, along with the IU Red Cross Club is kicking off its annual fund-raising campaign, Heroes for the American Red Cross. \nThe event is, as described by Katie Metz, chapter liaison and adviser to the IU Red Cross Club, a grass roots campaign intended to replenish the funds spent in recent years on sending volunteers to help with disasters in the Gulf Coast region and in Indiana.\n“All of the money raised goes only to the local chapter,” Metz said. “The local chapter is hurting.”\nThe Heroes campaign, which began Tuesday, will run for six weeks and is open to anyone in the community, including businesses, schools, student groups and individuals. “Heroes” are asked to pledge $1,000 to the campaign through any means necessary, whether it is through fundraising or out-of-pocket donations. In the past, Metz said, many people have raised the money simply by going door to door.\nThroughout the next six weeks, participants will hold fundraising events including a car wash, a pizza war and a couch-a-thon, which will take place March 19-20. Many campus organizations have already committed to the effort.\nThe most important objective of the campaign is to raise awareness about the efforts of the Red Cross, said assistant liaison Caroline Tattersall. \n“If you’re a hero, it doesn’t matter if you raise the thousand dollars as long as you raise awareness,” Tattersall said. “Any contribution is excellent.”\nThose unable to pledge $1,000 can get involved in other ways. The IU Red Cross Club will be setting up tables throughout campus to spread awareness about its organization. Anyone interested in making a donation can also purchase a Red Cross Square and a bandanna for $1. \nThe campaign has about 70 people already committed to it, but Metz said anyone interested should still sign up. \n“It’s never too late to sign up,” she said. “It’s not over till it’s over.”\nA final wrap-up celebration will be held at the end of the campaign, after which the heroes will be recognized with a souvenir of appreciation. Each hero’s photo will also appear in The Herald-Times.\nAnyone interested in joining the campaign can contact Metz at or through the Monroe County Red Cross Web site at

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