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Tuesday, Oct. 1
The Indiana Daily Student


MTV revives the video star

Could it be that MTV has finally seen the error of its ways? After years of ignoring the music portion of their name, the network might be taking a step forward. They have announced the production of a new show, “F’n MTV,” hosted by Fall Out Boy’s Pete Wentz, that will play five new videos in their entirety, one old-school video, feature a live performance and have one of the worst names for a television show in history. \nNow, chances are that the new show will be MTV-ified just like anything else that sounds remotely cool on the network, and with Wentz at the helm it could be an awful train wreck. However, if it means that MTV plays videos and acknowledges music again, it’s about all we can ask for at this point due to the overwhelming lack of music in the channel’s recent history.\nEveryone has known for a very long time that MTV – also known as Music Television – seemingly no longer cares about playing music videos, doing news reports on music or really displaying that they know what music is. And the last few years have arguably been the worst in the channel’s history if you care about music; the only place to find new music is through whatever awful song they premiere on a new episode of “The Hills.” \nThe success of this show is really going to depend on how it is all set up, though. Chances are, there will be some sort of crowd present, but the show need not tread into “Total Request Live” territory by having them whoop and holler every time they’re on screen or do the lame dedications. Yet some live-energy atmosphere is almost necessary, especially when acts perform live. \nSecond, it would be really nice to have the videos played to feature bands and artists that are not extremely well-known. MTV needs to return to its roots as a network that unveils new talent if they ever want to be taken seriously as an authority on music again. They don’t need to have crazy obscure bands on air, but at least some that have underground or online buzz that could use a performance on MTV to put them over the top.\nThe show is reportedly also going to feature some kind of online elements as well. Although using a voting system would be directly like “TRL,” the show would be smart to allow online users to have some say in what videos get played or who performs. Without overdoing it, they could try something like having one video a week being a fan selection and one live performance a month being so as well. That way the network can still push their selected talent, but also give the audience a sense of input as well.\nWith this being MTV, the idea for this “F’n MTV” program could change drastically before it hits the airwaves this summer, and be nothing more than a way to promote the newest season of “Parental Control” or “Newport Harbor.” But if Wentz and company do what they say they’re going to do, having a video show on the network that basically created videos is nothing but a good thing. Just as long as Wentz doesn’t let his new wife perform live.

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