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Saturday, Oct. 12
The Indiana Daily Student


Learning with a lei on

Even a little rain can’t damper the feeling that Maui’s got to be a great place to spend Thanksgiving. So it wasn’t what the pilgrims had in mind – you can’t sleep on highs above 80 and beaches within spitting distance.

You also can’t spit in the face of the competition the Hoosiers will ween themselves against this holiday week.

Tom Crean’s team is going to have to learn itself against some of the toughest teams it will face all year, and yes, they will likely get beaten up in the process.

But Crean has said so often you can’t say “no” to Maui, and it’s true. The tournament-level experience gained from flying halfway around the world to play three games in three days against three quality opponents can’t be duplicated.

It goes deeper than that, however.

So far this season, this young team has learned how to win comfortable games and close ones. Now – in all seriousness – they can get a lesson in losing.

The fact is few players this side of John Wooden have ever finished their careers without losing at least a handful of games, and the mark of a well-rounded athlete and a well-rounded team is how it deals with losing.

The Hoosiers will almost surely get smacked by Notre Dame, and they probably won’t beat St. Joseph or Texas in the second round. So, while Hoosier nation looks forward to Wednesday and a probable matchup with tournament hosts Chaminade, I will look forward to seeing how these Hoosiers can handle themselves.

It’s one thing to play hard, certainly, and the feeling of seeing the fruits of such labor pay off with a win is gratifying at very least.

But what about when you play hard, leave it all on the floor and lose? And what if that happens two nights in a row, on a faraway island with your internal clock screaming for mercy?

What will the Hoosiers bring to game three, whether it’s the final consolation game or not? That’s what I want to know, and the answer to that question will be the most important result I would take from this weekend as an indicator of this team’s future success.

The Maui Invitational was always more of a learning experience than a chance for more wins or pretty trophies.

So get excited. Scream, scream against old Notre Dame. Do the same against Texas or St. Joseph’s, and again one more time before Turkey Day when the Hoosiers will almost surely face Chaminade.

But for heaven’s sake, don’t judge this trip on IU’s record when it’s over – you will likely be disappointed.

Trust me, my way is more fun.

Have a wonderful and happy Thanksgiving. See you next week.

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