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Monday, Sept. 30
The Indiana Daily Student


Alpha Phi Alpha wins its 4th consecutive Little 5 Step Down

While the Cutters dominated on the Bill Armstrong Stadium track, Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity continued a different legacy in winning their fourth consecutive title in the annual Little 5 Step Down at the IU Auditorium.

With crowds cheering and on their feet throughout the show, the energy and atmosphere seemed to represent the spirit of Little 500.

The evening showcased the talents and traditions of six historically black fraternities and sororities. Each team put together a 10- to 14- minute act that was required to include a theme and the purpose of their organization.

Only 8 points separated first place from third. Alpha Phi Alpha was awarded $1,500 with 375 points. Phi Beta Sigma took second place with 368 points, while Delta Sigma Theta placed third with 367 points.  

The event was sponsored by Union Board and the National Pan-Hellenic Council, with Damon Williams as the emcee. Williams’ comedy routines included topics like the greek system, Little 500 and Facebook. Williams then ripped on rappers T-Pain and Lil Wayne.

“I bet you wouldn’t like Lil Wayne up close,” he said. “I’m not saying he’s ugly, he’s just visually disturbing ... he’s a goblin.”

Sorority Delta Sigma Theta was the first team to compete, using “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” as their theme. The Deltas, dressed as Oompa-Loompas, stressed they were looking for quality over quantity. Their journey through the factory showcased the Deltas’ step skills and precision. The act came to a climax with strobe lights and one final step sequence in which the Deltas formed an elephant, their unofficial symbol.

After a brief intermission, reigning champs Alpha Phi Alpha took the stage while the crowd cheered vigorously.

The fraternity parodied the economic recession with a newscast presenting a bailout
plan for the stepping recession. The Alphas incorporated barrel rolls and a freestyle section before a salute to their brothers who have served the country. The final section had the crowd on their feet as the men stepped to the national anthem.

Kappa Alpha Psi busted out the famous “Thriller” dance to open their act. Mixing Michael Jackson’s iconic choreography with traditional stepping, the men then transitioned into a spinoff of “America’s Best Dance Crew,” performing as the “Kappawockies,” a take off of the show’s first-season winners the Jabbawockies. The men used smoke machines, canes and stunts; however, the end of their act proved why the “Mature Content” warning was necessary on the tickets.

Iota Phi Theta, Phi Beta Sigma and Sigma Gamma Rho also competed in the Step Down.

Junior Sasha Harris said she enjoyed the show. Harris, who had a lot of friends competing, said the teams practiced for months, putting a great deal of time and effort into preparing for the contest.

“It was a lot of work that went into doing it,” Harris said.

Junior Mark Peterson said he didn’t know anyone competing, but still enjoyed the show.

“I think it’s cool,” Peterson said. “Everyone’s doing a really good job.”

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